VDE 0620 0625 0626 插头连接器 插座工厂审查测试指导PM 375e 2014-07-08.pdf

VDE 0620 0625 0626 插头连接器 插座工厂审查测试指导PM 375e 2014-07-08.pdf

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Test Instruction for the Factory Surveillance of Plugs, Couplers, Socket Outlets and Parts which are integral PM 375 E with Flexible Cables and Cords according to 2014-07-08 VDE 0620, -2-1, -101, VDE 0625-1,-2-1, -2-2, and VDE 0626 with and without ENEC-Mark References DIN VDE 0620-1 Plugs and socket outlets for household and similar purposes Part 1: General requirements on fixed socked-outlets DIN EN 0620-2-1 Plugs and socket outlets for household and similar purposes Part 2-1: General requirements on Plugs and portable socket-outlets DIN EN 50075 - VDE 0620-101 Plugs and socket outlets up to 400 V, 25 A Flat non-rewirable two-pole plugs, 2,5 A 250 V, with cord, for the connection of class-II-equipment for household and similar purposes DIN EN 60320-1 - VDE 0625-1 Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes Part 1: General requirements DIN EN 60320-2-1 - VDE 0625-2-1 Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes Part 2-1: Sewing machine couplers DIN EN 60320-2-2 - VDE 0625-2-2 Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes Part 2-2: Interconnection couplers for household and similar general purposes DIN EN 60799 - VDE 0626 Cord sets and interconnection cord sets ENEC-303, Annex W, Annex AI and Annex X Requirements for manufacturers 1. General Any plug, socket outlet and appliance coupler has to be subjected to the following tests, as far as applicable: Type of plug, socket outlet and appliance Test to be performed according to clause coupler two-pole 2.1.1, 2.3.2; 3.1, 4.1, 4.3 with more than two poles 2.1.1, 2.2, 2.3.2, 3.1.2; 4.1, 4.2, 4.3



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