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个人收集整理 仅供参考学习 个人收集整理 仅供参考学习 PAGE / NUMPAGES 个人收集整理 仅供参考学习 题目:数控车床四工位回转刀架机电设计 学 号: 姓 名:谭海乐 学历层次: 专 业: 班 级: 指导老师: 完成日期:2010-01-01 摘 要 数控车床为了能在工件地 一次装夹中完成多工序加工,缩短辅助时间,减少多次安装所引起地 加工误差,必须带有自动回转刀架.根据装刀数量地 不同,自动回转刀架分有四工位六工位和八工位等多种形式.根据安装方式地 不同,自动回转刀架可分为立式和 卧式两种.根据机械定位方式地 不同,自动回转刀架又可分为端齿盘定位型和三齿盘定位型等.其中断齿盘定位型换刀时刀架需抬起,换刀速度较慢且密封性较差,但其结构较简单.三齿盘定位型又叫免抬型,其特点是换刀时刀架不抬起,因此换刀时速度快且密封性好,但其结构较复杂.b5E2RGbCAP ? 自动回转刀架在结构上必须具有良好地 强度和刚性,以承受粗加工时地 切削抗力.为了保证转位具有高地重复定位精度,自动回转刀架还 要选择可靠地定位方案和 合理地 定位 结构.自动回转刀架自动换刀时 由控制系统和驱动电路来实现.p1EanqFDPw 关键词:自动回转刀架,蜗轮蜗杆副,机电系统 Abstract CNC lathe work order to be able to complete a fixture in many processes processing aids to reduce time, reduce installation time and again caused by processing errors, we must turn with automatic tool. Installed in accordance with the number of different knives, automatic revolving turret at position four of six and eight-station work spaces and other forms. According to the different installation methods, automatic rotary tool can be divided into two types of vertical and horizontal. Positioning means according to the different mechanical, automatic rotary tool set can be divided into client positioning tooth and three teeth, such as disk-based positioning. The interruption of tooth plate-type tool change position to be lifted when the tool carrier, tool change a slow and poor sealing, but its relatively simple structure. Tridentate known disk-based location-free lift-type, characterized by ATC when the tool is not lifted, so when the tool change is fast and good seal, but its more complicateDXDiTa9E3d structure. Automatic rotary tool in the structure must have good strength and rigidity to bear the rough at the time of cutting resistance. In order to ensure a high transposition of the repeat positioning accuracy, automatic rotary tool holder of the position would also like to choose a reliable and reasonable positioning program structure. Rotary Tool Automatic Tool Changer automatically by the control system and


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