广州牛津新版七下 U1-2 综合复习.docVIP

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七下Unit1-2综合复习 一、单词拼写 1. She passed her exam easily, because she is h______. 2. I was laughing because she just told me a funny j_______. 3. Tim f______to do his homework yesterday. The teacher is angry with him. 4. Miss Li is very p_____. She explains this new word again and again. 5. He always says hello to me with a c_____ smile. 6. Many years passed, but Alice and I r_____ friends. 7. Our teachers always give us s_____ when we have trouble. 8. We win the game. We are ________(成功的). 9. Tim’s grandma died 2 years ago. He m____ her so much. 10. I want to be a brave p_____like him. 11. You can go s_____on the mountains in the French Alps. 12. Practice makes p_____(完美的). 13. Mary is an e______ student. She gets all As in every subject. 14. T_______ the answer if you think it’s right. 15. I think it's _______(可能的) for you to get first prize in the contest. 16. From the a _______ in the letter, I know where she lives. 17. To get to the 20th floor of this building, you must take a l_____. 18. As students, you should study hard and f_____ your homework on time. 19. There are four p______(段落)in this article. 20. If you want to send a post card, you should write the name of the r______(接受者) on it. 二、 根据汉语意思完成句子。 1. 不要嘲笑别人。Don’t _____ ____ ____ others. 2. 我们不应该放弃我们的梦想, We shouldn’t _____ ____ our dreams. 3. 露西可以好好照顾好她自己。 Lucy can ____ ____ ____ ____ herself. 4. 我喜欢吃苹果和香蕉。I like eating apples, and bananas _____ _____ 5. 这些小狗精力充沛,它们整天围绕着母亲玩耍。 The little dogs ____ ____ ____ energy (精力). They played around the mother dog all day. 6. 老师鼓励我们在课堂上多说英语。 The teacher _____ _____ ____ _____more English in the class. 7. --你妈妈长得怎么样? --她留着一头长长的头发。 --What _____ your mother _____ _____? -- She is the woman _____ _____ _____. 8. 萨姆忘了关灯。Sam ____ ____ ____ ____ the light. 9. 玛丽忘了已经买了一本字典。Mary ____ ____ a dictionary. 10. 几年之后,他继续学习法语。 A few years later, he _____ _____ _____ French. 11. 在市中心有很多百货商店。 There are many______ _____ in the center of the city. 13. 我更喜欢在安静的地方听


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