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. .. . .. 毕 业 设 计 专 业: 班级学号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 二〇一 年 月 .. 基于单片机的智能空气净化器的设计 Design Of Intelligent Air Cleaner Based On MCU 专业班级: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 学 院: 年 月 摘 要 随着生活的日益发展,人们的生活水平日渐提高,同时也伴随着很多问题的产生,由于人们对工业发展所造成的负面影响预料不够,预防不及时,造成了现在我们存在三大危机: HYPERLINK /view/3876585.htm \t _blank 资源短缺、 HYPERLINK /view/71744.htm \t _blank 环境污染、 HYPERLINK /view/298906.htm \t _blank 生态破坏。环境污染,如今重要的有大气污染,土壤污染以及水体污染,每一个都与我们的生活息息相关,严重影响着我们的生活质量,严重影响着我国可持续发展的政策,所以我国也非常重视对环境的改造与还原,让我们重回一个没有污染的绿色环境,但这是一个长久的事情,俗话说冰冻三尺非一日之寒,环境的优化非一朝一夕可以完成的。为了让我们生活质量的提高,同时也免除我们因为环境污染受到伤害。 如今,本设计针对空气质量PM2.5设计了基于单片机的空气净化器,其中有空气自动检测装置,当检测到空气污染达到一定程度时,本设计会自动开启风扇排除污染空气,同时启动空气负离子发生器,净化空气。该系统操作简单适用于小空间内的空气质量检测净化,让我们可以在一个良好的环境中工作,学习,休息,娱乐。 关键词:环境污染;单片机;空气净化器;负离子发生器 ABSTRACT With the increasing development of life, peoples rising living standards, but also with a lot of problems, because people are not expected negative impact on the industry is highly developed, to prevent negative, resulting in a pure in the three crises: shortage of resources, environmental pollution and ecological destruction we now. Environmental pollution, now important is air pollution, water and soil pollution, every are closely linked with our life, a serious impact on the quality of our lives, a serious impact on the sustainable development of our countrys policy, so our country also attaches great importance to the environment change and reduction, let us return to a no pollution of the green environment, but this is a matter for a long time. As the saying goes, Rome was not built in a day, to optimize the environment of non can be done overnight. In order to improve the quality of our lives, but also avoid we because the environment pollution is hurt,. Now, I in indoor air quality of PM2.5 design based on MCU air purifier, including air automatic detection device, when the detected air pollution to a certain extent, the device will automatically start the exh


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