HC8813 CX8813 CC_CV DC-DC 32V-5V3A 同步整流 降压IC.pdf

HC8813 CX8813 CC_CV DC-DC 32V-5V3A 同步整流 降压IC.pdf

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HC8813 or CX8813 WW nn cc ss oo ide Ra ge Syn hronou Buck C ntroller WWide Rannge Syncchronouss Buck Coontroller escripti n DD oo Featur s DDescriptioon ee Featurees Thhe HC8813 is a sy nnchronous step down  Wide IInput Voltage Range: 100V to 30V regulator fromm a high voltage inpput supply.  Up to 993% Efficienncy Opperating withh an input vvoltage range from 10V  Prograammable Swwitching Freqquency up to 30V, the HXC8813 achhieves 2.1A continuous to up tto 500kHz ouutput currennt with exccellent loadd and line  No Looop Compensation Requuired regulation. The switcching freqquency is  Prograammable current limit prrogrammablee from 150 kkHz to 500 kkHz and the  Cable Compensattion from 0ΩΩ to 0.3Ω syynchronous architecturee provides for highly  Thermmal Shutdown effficient dessigns. Currrent mode operation  Available in SOP-8L Packagee prrovides fast ttransient ressponse and eases loop



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