初中英语人教版八年级上册Unit 6 Writing.ppt

初中英语人教版八年级上册Unit 6 Writing.ppt

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Section B 3a - 3c By Xu Rui I’ll never say never. 我将永不言败。 I’ll fight forever . 我将永远奋斗。 1.能够正确拼读和理解own, personal, relationship这三个新词。巩固并能运用与决心相关的词汇和句子结构。 2.能够运用所学的词汇、句子结构, 特别是be going to描述自己的计划, 原因及如何付诸实施。 3.进一步坚定自己的决心并为之努力。 Learning aims 学习目标 2.Whats your resolution about ? 3.How are you going to do that ? 1.Do you have a resolution ? Can you answer these questions ? Yes , I do . It is about how to keep healthy . Im going to ... . It is about ... . Complete the two paragraphs about my resolution with the words in the box. take listen make is help learn are Resolutions _________ promises to yourself. They may _________ to make me a better person and to make my life easier. I am going to __________ a resolution. Task 1 Task 1 学法指导 1首先,读方框里的单词,理解其意思。 2. 然后,阅读这两个段落,了解大意。 3. 仔细阅读含有空格的句子,如有固定搭配可先确定部分答案,然后再根据上下文来确定剩余空格处应填的单词。 4.再读一遍,看是否符合逻辑,行文流畅。 Complete the two paragraphs about my resolution with the words in the box. take listen make is help learn are Resolutions _________ promises to yourself. They may _________ to make you a better person and to make your life easier. I am going to __________ four resolutions. are help make My resolution is about my own(自己的) personal(个人的) improvement. Next year, or maybe sooner, I am going to ______ up a new hobby. I think singing ______ a great activity so I am going to _______ to sing. I think this will also make my family happy because they love to _______ to music and sing together. is take learn listen 3.What are you going to do ? 4.Why are you going to do that? 1.Why are resolutions so important? Answer these questions . They may help to make you a better person and to make your life easier . I m going to learn to sing . I think singing is a great activity. I think this will also make my family happy. 2.Whats your resolution about? Its about my own personal improvement . My resolution is about improving my physical health . My re


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