毕业设计(论文)-基于JSP通讯 录管理系统.doc

毕业设计(论文)-基于JSP通讯 录管理系统.doc

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太原理工大学毕业设计(论文)用纸 PAGE \* MERGEFORMATi 基于JSP通讯录管理系统 摘 要 ? ?社会在进步,移动互联的应用越来越广泛,已经进入到每一个人的生活。人与人之间的距离也越来越近,信息量也越来越庞大,沟通也需要现代化。因此,我们需要把所有人的联系方式统一存储起来。 通过对通讯录的理解和对用户的详细调查以及参考其他通讯录系统,对通讯录系统的管理功能有了具体的设定。该通讯录系统是一个专门针对储存用户联系方式多以及一些个人信息的实用信息系统,它实现了用户对朋友、同事等个人信息的分类储存和快速查阅的功能,大大减少了查找过程的时间。该系统基于B/S模式,使用JAVA作为开发语言,以MySql作为后台数据库,Tomcat作为服务器。 使用该通讯录系统,我们就可以随时随地通过网络对通讯录进行管理,与此同时,我们的手机逐渐更新换代成可以连接网络,这样我们可以随时随地查找任意信息,查找快速,维护方便,丢失手机也不会丢失联系方式。 关键词 通讯录;数据库; B/S模式 全套设计加扣 3012250582 The Contact Management System base on JSP Abstract With the development of the society, the mobile Internet more widely, has entered into the lives of everyone. Distance between people is getting closer, more and more huge amount of information, communication also need to be modernized. Therefore, we need to unify all contact details stored.。 By understanding and detailed investigation of the users address book and other contacts reference system, address book management system has specific settings. Personal mail list system is specially designed to store user contact way and some personal information of practical information system, it enables the user to many friends, colleagues and other personal information storage and fast access function, greatly reduces the searching time. The system is to use Java as a development language, adopts MySql as background database, Tomcat as the server, based on B / S mode development of the design and implementation of personal mail list. Use the address book system, the system can manage their contacts, easy to find. Can be more promotion of friendly relationship between people.? Keywords mail list system;database;B / S mod 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc390356798 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc390356798 \h i HYPERLINK \l _Toc390356799 Abstract PAGEREF _Toc390356799 \h ii HYPERLINK \l _Toc390356800 前言 PAGEREF _Toc390356800 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc390356801 1 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc390356801 \h 2 HYPE


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