英语人教版八年级下册Students who volunteer.pptx

英语人教版八年级下册Students who volunteer.pptx

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Reading 1Students who volunteerLead in Volunteers(n.) Students who volunteer(v.) try out for…A strong feeling of satisfaction Prediction Animal lover Book lover Skimming Riverside High School They are all from __________________________Mario volunteers at ________________________Mary try out for _______________________________an animal hospital a volunteer after school reading program Scanning ---- The structure of the passage Para 1 : introduction Para 2: Mario’s job and his r_______ to be a volunteerPara 3: Mary’s job and her f_____ to be a volunteereasonseelings Detail-reading Love animals He believes it can help him____________ _______________It’s hard but he wants to learn more about ______________________________Mario’s reasons for being an animal doctorget his future jobhow to care for animals a strong feelings of satsifaction Get such ________________________________when he sees the animals ___________and the ___________________ on their owners’ facesget betterlook of joy Detail-reading ----Mary ’job and her feelingsMary’ s volunteer job ReasonsShe is a book ____________ and could read by herself _____________________ When to be a volunteer _________________________ How often?She works there ______________ to help the kids ____________________What she can see in the library?She can see in their eyes that they’re going on ________________________________________________ Her feelingsIt is a dream ______________for her.She can do_________________________ and _________________ at the same time.loverat the age of 4Last yearonce a weekLearn to reada different journey with each new bookcome true what she loves to do help othersThinking and show your feelings What do you think of Mario and Mary? Why ?HardworkingHelpfulKind Read out these beautiful sentencesRead and Enjoy their feelings again.It’s hard work ,but I want to …I get such a strong feeling of …You can see in their eyes that they’re going on …Volunteering here is a dream come true for me…R


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