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第39 卷第3 期 应 用 科 技 Vol.39, No.3 2012 年6 月 Applied Science and Technology Jun. 2012 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1009-671X.201112029 一种宽带非福斯特电路设计与实现 李文兴, 翟宁, 陈瑞龙 哈尔滨工程大学 信息与通信工程学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨150001 摘 要:对一种负阻抗变换器 (NIC )来实现宽带非福斯特电路特性进行了理论分析,给出了 NIC 的稳定性工作条件. 以 宽带运算放大器为核心设计了宽带非福斯特电路,对电路进行了时域和频域仿真,提出了一种负阻抗等效测试方法. 仿 真和测试结果都表明,设计的宽带非福斯特电路可以在几十倍频程带宽内实现负阻抗变换,且电路简单,具有很高的稳 定性,证实了理论分析的正确性和有效性. 关键词:非福斯特电路;负阻抗变换器;运算放大器; 时域仿真; 频域仿真 中图分类号:TM131 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009-671X (2012 )03-0041-04 Design and implementation of a broadband non-Foster circuit LI Wenxing,ZHAI Ning ,CHEN Ruilong College of Information and Communication Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China Abstract: In order to get the stable conditions of negative impedance converters (NIC), theoretical analysis was done on how to realize broadband non-Foster circuit characteristics with NIC. A broadband non-Foster circuit was designed with wideband operational amplifier as the central part. After time domain and frequency domain simulation on the circuit, a negative impedance equivalent measurement method was brought forward. Both the simulation and measurement results indicate that the non-Foster circuit design can realize the negative impedance conversion with the bandwidth up to dozens of octaves. With simple circuit and high stability, the theoretical analysis is proved to be correct and efficient. Keywords: non-Foster circuit; negative impedance converter; operational amplifier; time domain simulation; frequency domain simulation 福斯特电抗理论是指一个无源无损耗单端口网 络,其输入电抗和电纳均是频率的严格单调递增函数[1]. 1 非福斯特电路的分析 违反这一理论的电路称之为非福斯特 (Non-F


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