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word文档整理分享 word文档整理分享 参考资料 参考资料 摘 要 随着市场竞争的日益激烈,客户对铰链类产品的可靠性检测提出了更高的要求,并且考虑到人工成本不断增加,通过利用诸如PLC、步进电机和高精度传感器等组成的检测系统替代以往的检测方式已经成为必然。本文对扭矩检测系统进行研究,将扭矩传感器、步进电机与PLC结合起来,通过利用PLC控制步进电机,步进电机同步带动扭矩传感器,实现系统的扭矩检测功能。有效地解决了传统人工检测所造成的人力、财力浪费和效率低下的问题。同时又重点分析了如何利用欧姆龙PLC控制三个步进电机来实现铰链类产品的扭矩检测。 本文的实质是对扭矩检测进行自动化改进,对如何进行扭矩检测进行简单的分析研究,对欧姆龙PLC和扭矩检测传感器的性能参数进行介绍,以实现简单、稳定、高效的扭矩检测,但是仍有改进的空间。 其次介绍了整体的设计过程,从系统控制方案的研究到实际的电路接线图,再到PLC程序设计,软件界面设计。最后通过分析提出更好控制方案的可能。 关键词: 扭矩检测;PLC;步进电机 Abstract As is known to all that the Labor costs is increasing all the time, and with the fierce market competition, a new testing system of hinge products has to be bring up for the Hinge department. This article states how to use PLC, stepping motor and torque sensor to complete the automatic?testing system. Then we can effectively solve the waste and inefficiency problems caused by traditional manual detection. At the same time we main analysis how to use Omron PLC to control the three stepping motors. The essence of this article is to automate the torque testing equipment, and analysis how to achieve this target. Besides, introduce the performance parameter of PLC and torque?sensor, stepping motor. Then we can make a better torque testing system to meet customer requirements. Of course there is still some room for improvement. Then introduce the whole process of this design, from the program of system control to the circuit wiring diagram and PLC programming. At last through analysis better control is put forward, and introduces the advantages of this control, etc. Key words: Torque testing; PLC; Stepping motor 目 录 摘 要 Abstract TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc389128093 第一章 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc389128093 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc389128094 1.1课题的研究背景与来源 PAGEREF _Toc389128094 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc389128095 1.1.1课题研究背景 PAGEREF _Toc389128095 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc389128096 1.1.2课题研究来源 PAGEREF _Toc389128096 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc389128097 1.2扭矩测量发展现状 PAGEREF _Toc389128097


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