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word文档整理分享 PAGE 参考资料 2018年大学英语备考题库 一、语法和词汇 1. When did you see her? What ________ then? A.was she doing B.did she do C.is she doing D.has she hone 2. Be quiet! They ________ a meeting in the next room. A.are having B.have C.were having D.will had 3. “What will you ________ at six this evening?” “I’ll probably be having supper.” A.do B.doing C.have D.be doing 4. We ________ on it for many hours but we have not yet reached any conclusion. A.work B.have been working C.are working D.have had worked 5. We all hope you ________to the party next week. A.to come B.be able to come C.come D.will be able to come. 6. I ________ help. I can do it myself. A.need to B.don’t need C.needn’t D.need 7. Since the road is wet, ________last night. A.it must have rained B.it must rain C.it must be raining D.it must have been raining. 8. I’ve come to ask him for the book. That’s why I ________ wait until he comes back. A.need B.should C.ought to D.have to 9. Great changes ________ in China since 1978. A.take the place B.took the place of C.have taken place D.have been taken place 10. The medicine________ cool, clean and dry. A.must keep B.must be kept C.must be keep D.must be in . 11. “Have you moved into the new house?”“ Not yet. The rooms ________.” A.are being painted B.are painting C.are painted D.are being paint 12. This kind of wood ________ houses. A.used to building B.are used to building C.is used to build D.is used to building 13. A group of ________will come to our school tomorrow. A.Germany B.Germans C.German D.Japaneses 14. That bottle is made of________. A.glass B.glasses C.the glass D.a pair of glasses 15. There are ten ________ in our school. A.woman teachers B.women teacher C.woman teacher D.women teachers 16. This piece of ________ is long enough for you to make a shirt. A.cloth B.clothes C.clothing D.suit 17. English was taught at


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