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Computer Engineering and Applications 计算机工程与应用 2012 ,48 (7 ) 115 ⦾数据库、信号与信息处理⦾ 一种关系数据库到本体的自动构建方法 郭朝敏,姜丽红,蔡鸿明 GUO Chaomin, JIANG Lihong, CAI Hongming 上海交通大学 软件学院,上海 200240 School of Software, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China GUO Chaomin, JIANG Lihong, CAI Hongming. Automatic method of ontology constructing from relational database. Computer Engineering and Applications ,2012 ,48 (7 ):115-120. Abstract :With the development of sematic Web, the need of ontology is also growing. However, nowadays most of the data which is stored in relational databases can not be used by sematic Web application. Therefore it is a problem to be solved how to transform the data in relational database to the data that can be used by sematic Web. In consider of these issues, an automatic method of constructing OWL ontologies from relational database is proposed in this paper. The proposed method divides ontology construction process into two parts :semantic finding and ontology mapping. And a graph called M-Graph is defined. With the help of the generating and analysis of the M-Graph combined with some mapping rules, the OWL ontology is automatically constructed. Experiment proves that the pro- posed method can constructe OWL ontology automatically, and the result ontology is more extensive and accurate. Key words :ontology constructing; ontology mapping; relational database; ontology 摘 要:随着语义网的发展,对本体的需要也越来越大。但是目前大多数的数据被存储在关系数据库中,这些数据不能被语义网 应用程序所访问。因此如何将关系数据中的数据转化为可以被语义网应用的数据,是一个需要解决的问题。针对上述问题,提 出了一种从数据库自动地构建OWL 本体的方法。该方法把本体构建过程分为语义信息的发现和本体映射两个部分。并且定义 了一种图M-Graph ,通过M-Graph 的生成与分析,结合映射规则自动地构建OWL 本体。实验验证,该方法可自动地由关系数据 库构建OWL 本体,并且可以得到相对丰富和准确的本体。 关键词:本体构建;本体映射;关系数据库;本体 DOI :10.3778/j.issn. 1002-8331.2012.07.030 文章编号:1002-8331(2012 )07-0115-06 文献标识码:A 中图分类号:TP311 本体作为语义网的基础,是领域知识概念化和模型化的 一种图W-Graph 作为中间模型。将关系模式和本体向 一种途径。可以被用来描述数据的语义信息。随着语义网的 W-Graph 靠拢,以实现关


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