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头部穴位与足部反射 头部穴位图 The general belief with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is that the head is the focal point of the Yang. A comforting head massage can cause the ren and du meridians to align with qi-rich blood, providing a refreshing experience for the mind and a boost to the body. 。 中医认为“头为诸阳之会”,坚持头部按摩,可使任督脉气血经络通畅,起到清脑提神、健身强体的效果。 align with 与.... 结盟 The best environment is one where the company values align with each candidate’s own. 当公司价值与每个应聘者自身的价值观相匹配,这样才是最好的环境 Head massage头部按摩 Head massages can also stimulate blood circulation, increase the blood supply to the brain and rouse the nervous system. Washing and combing your hair provides an excellent opportunity for a whole head massage. 头部按摩四大手法 (开)天门:两手拇指交替从眉心推至前按摩,每天按摩1到2次即可,每次25~50次,经常按摩(开)天门能够开窍醒脑,镇静安神。常用于外感发热、头痛等一些症况。 (推)坎宫:两手大拇指分别从眉心必须同时分推向眉梢处,每天1次即可,每次25~50次,可以有效的缓解外感发热、惊风、头痛等。 (揉)太阳:眉梢与外眼角之间向后约一横指的凹陷处,(一横指的意思是:指一“食指”的宽度,也就是食指的直径长度)即太阳穴。用双手中指罗纹面用力或双手大拇指罗纹面用力,从下向前再向上往后揉圈运动为补法,每天1到2次,每次25~50次,可缓解外感发热、头痛、惊风、眼疾,还可以有效消除疲劳、安神健脑、偏头痛。从前往后直推为泻法。 (揉)高骨:耳后就是高骨,用两手大拇指用力同时对高骨进行揉圈按摩,每天1到2次,每次25~50次,对头痛、感冒、惊风、烦躁不安有非常好的疗效。 First, use your ten fingers like two combs to comb your scalp.( 战利品 /剥头皮 / 头皮 )Put a fair amount of pressure on your head and glide(滑翔;滑行)your fingers – using the soft, flat parts and not the finger tips -- through your hair, from the hair roots to tips. Follow a front to back brushing motion with your hands and repeat the process 15 to 20 times, adjusting the amount of pressure to make the scalp warm up a bit. 首先,松开十指,如梳头状,以十指指肚着力,用中等稍强的力量,从前发扭外疏到后发扭处,从前到后疏理整个头部。重复做15-20 次,用力的大小,以做完后头皮微感发热为好. After combing, use your fingers to rub your scalp in circular motions from the front to the back of your head and then from left to right. Repeat this process 3 t o 5 times. Then, begin lifting the scalp gently using your thumb(拇指), middle finger and index (食指)finger. Continue this process over the entire scalp using soft, gentle pressing motions. If too much pressure is applied, you can end up with p