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园 艺  学  报  2006, 33 ( 6) : 1259 ~1262 A cta Horticu lturae Sin ica 大百合与百合属间授粉后花粉管生长发育的观察 李守丽1, 2  石  雷1  张金政1 (1 中国科学院植物研究所 , 北京 100093; 2 中国科学院研究生院 , 北京 100039) 摘  要 : 对大百合 ×百合属间杂交授粉后花粉管的行为进行了观察 , 结果表明百合的花粉能在大百合 的柱头上萌发 , 伸入中央花柱道 , 到达花柱基部 , 进入子房 。杂交后 , 花粉萌发与花粉管的伸长速度相对 于自交滞后 , 个别花粉管出现末端分叉 、膨大或变细或中间部分折叠 , 花粉管内胼胝质不规则的大量沉积 等现象 。 关键词 : 百合 ; 大百合 ; 花粉管行为 ; 荧光 中图分类号 : S 682 2  文献标识码 : A   文章编号 : 0513353X (2006) Pollen Tube Behav ior Follow ing Pollina tion between C a rd ioc r inum g igan teum and L ilium 1, 2 1 1 L i Shou li , Sh i L ei , and Zhang J inzheng (1 Ins titu te of B otany, the Ch inese A cadem y of S ciences, B eijng 100093, Ch ina; 2 Gradua te S chool of the Ch inese A cadem y of S ciences, B eij ing 100039, Ch ina) A b stract: The po llen tube behavior in the style fo llow ing the hyb rid ization between Ca rd iocrinum g ig an teum and L ilium were ob served by m ean s of fluore scence m icro scop y. The re su lts indicated that the po llen of L ilium can germ inated on the stigm a of C. g ag an teum and po llen tube s can reach the ba sal p art of the style and finally arrive at the ovu le in ovary, m eanwh ile, the re su lt also showed that the sp eed of the po llen germ i nation and po llen tube elongation fo llow ing hyb ridization were m uch slower than that fo llow ing in tra sp ecific po llination , several abnorm alitie s of po llen tube s were ob served including po llen tube s w ith b ranch ing off, swo llen or po in ted tip s, or sup erpo sition in the m iddle p arts lots of callo se depo sitiing at irregu lar d istance s, p arts of po llen tube s becam e waveliked at th


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