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PAGE PAGE 35 编号: 毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 基于单片机的无线 抢答器的设计与实现 摘 要 随着科技的发展,社会的竞争日益激烈。对各种产品的要求也更加的高。有线的抢答器因使用麻烦正在面临被淘汰的风险,无线智能抢答器应运而生。如今,社会上评选优胜、知识竞赛等活动愈加频繁,使得无线抢答器的作用更加明显,人们对它的需求量也不断提高。本文将介绍一个基于单片机的8路无线抢答器的设计过程。它以89c52单片机为核心,使用PT2262/2272做成无线发射和接收电路,加上复位、计时、报警、显示等电路,就构成了抢答器的基本构架。该抢答器将实现以下功能:实现八路无线抢答,最多能容纳八个人同时进行抢答,主持人通过按钮可以设置抢答的时间为0到9秒的任何一个数,由连续抢答和违例抢答两种工作方式。抢答有效有语音并显示组别,抢答无效有语音也显示组别,并且有计分功能,预置100分,答对为加10分,答错为减10分,由主持人通过红外遥控方式实现复位,加减分。本文设计的抢答器具有反应灵敏、判断精准、使用方便、性能可靠等优点。广泛适用于:学校、教育部门、企事业工会组织、俱乐部等单位组织举办各种知识、技术竞赛及文娱活动时作抢答之用。 关键词:无线抢答器;无线发射;单片机;报警 Abstract With the development of science and technology, society competitive is becoming more fierce. The requirement of various products is higher. Due to using trouble the contest are facing the risk of elimination. The wireless contests are arised at the right time. Adding to social knowledge contest and winners selection are more frequent, the role of wireless is more apparent, people’s demand on it is enhancing unceasingly .this article mainly introduce the design process of a 8 road wireless contest base on SCM. It base on STC85C52, using PT2262/2272 as launch circuit and receiving circuit, plus reset, timing, alarm, display circuit, constitutes the main frame of the contest. This contest will realize following functions: realize a 8 road wireless contest which can most hold eight individual simultaneously, through the button host can set the contest time, it may be any number of 0 to 9.and it including continuous contest and unauthorized contest this two way to work. Vies to answer first effectively have speech and display categories. Contest null and void also have speech and categories. And there is scoring function, preset 100 point, bingo will add 10 points when answer wrong minus 10 points. Through infrared remote control, host can reset, add and subtract points. This design contest appliances have sensitive reaction, precise and easy to use, judge reliable performan


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