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摘要 汽车电子稳定装置ESP是继汽车防抱死制动系统和汽车驱动防滑控制系统之后,汽车主动安全性的又一重大飞跃。ESP系统能根据路面状况及汽车运动状态控制车辆的运动,防止汽车操纵失控,从而更加有效地提高汽车稳定性能和行驶安全性。 本文针对ESP系统的特性,建立了合理的自由度汽车模型,并针对ESP系统的控制方法提出了以PID控制技术为核心的三种控制方法,进行了仿真研究。本文首先阐述了汽车ESP系统的基本思想和控制原理,建立了汽车参考模型及七自由度整车模型,其中轮胎模型采用“魔术公式。其次运用MATLAB/SIMULINK软件实现数学模型到仿真模型的转换并对其进行仿真分析验证,为控制研究提供了合理正确的模型。 然后,针对汽车ESP系统的特点,运用PID控制原理,设计了横摆角速度PID控制器,研究了利用PID控制器来控制横摆角速度 。最后仿真结果表明PID控制方法可以较好地控制汽车的横摆角速度,从而提高汽车的操纵稳定性。 关键词:汽车电子稳定装置,整车模型,横摆角速度,侧偏角,PID控制器 Then, based on the characteristics of car ESP systems, using PID control principle, design the PID controller yaw-rate using PID controller, the control yaw-rate. The simulation results show that the PID control method can better control car yaw-rate, thus making cars manipulation stability In addition,using control principle to direct at the nonlinear time-varying characteristics of ESP, PID controller was designed. . Abstract The Electronic Stability System is all ascensive progress since the automotive anti-lock braking and anti-skid control system succeeded in the aspect of automotive activesafety.For the ESP could adjust the automobiles to the road condition and moving status,it effectively prevents the occurrence of runaway operation SO that the stability and the safety will be reinforced.T}lis thesis aims at putting forward a fuzzy control technology as the core of the 3 main ways to do the simulation research in connection with the specific characteristic of ESP and the establishment of a vehicle model in an appropriate modulation. In this thesis,the basic idea and the control principles of ESP were expatiated and avehicle reference model and a vehicle model with seven degree of freedom were set up,which includes‘‘Magic formula”applied to the tire model.Then by usingMATLAB/SIMULINK software.the verification of emulation and analysis through theconversion from mathematic model to simulation model has been performed,which servesto get a nice model for the controlling research. Key words:Automotive elect


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