法学论文 食品安全中的惩罚性赔偿制度完善.doc

法学论文 食品安全中的惩罚性赔偿制度完善.doc

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论文写作指导、各类文案代写、各类毕业设计下载 QQ625880526 摘 要 食品安全问题日益成为人们关注的焦点。继“三聚氰胺毒奶粉事件”之后陆续出现了“地沟油”、“皮鞋果冻”等一系列大规模食品安全事故。我国民法对食品侵权的赔偿制度规定已相对完善,行政法方面也作了较为细致的规定,刑法规定亦日趋成熟。然而大规模食品安全事故依然层出不穷,此起彼伏。究其根源在于:民事侵权损害赔偿仅限于补偿的性质,行政责任落实难,而刑法只能解决责任人的刑事责任问题,并不能很好的使他们受到应有的经济制裁,承担相应的社会责任。本文创新性地将食品安全中的惩罚性赔偿责任定位为一种经济法责任,在这个前提下展开对完善食品安全中的惩罚性赔偿制度的法律思考。 本文从惩罚性赔偿的定义展开,分析我国食品安全惩罚性赔偿制度的现状及问题,针对这些问题提出可行性完善建议,使惩罚性赔偿制度在食品安全事故责任体系中日益完善。全文共分为三个主要部分: 主要对惩罚性赔偿制度的定义、特征、性质及功能进行剖析,全面介绍惩罚性赔偿制度在国内外的研究发展现状及未来发展趋势,对惩罚性赔偿制度进行准确科学的定位。突出强调其在经济法领域进行探讨的意义。 围绕我国法律关于食品安全中的惩罚性赔偿制度的立法现状及其存在的问题展开讨论。本章对该制度适用过程中存在的问题进行了详细的分析。 针对我国食品安全惩罚性赔偿中存在的诸多问题,根据我国经济、社会法治现状,详细的论述了有关惩罚性赔偿适用制度完善的建议。 关键词:惩罚性赔偿;食品安全;经济制裁 Abstract The issue of food safety is increasingly becoming the focus of attention . After following the melamine-tainted milk powder incident , the waste oil , shoes jelly and a series of large - scale food safety incidents has been found .Compensation system of civil law on food infringement provisions have been relatively well , Administrative Law has also made more detailed provisions of the Criminal Code provisions matures . However , large - scale food safety incidents are still emerging, one after another.Is to be traced : tort damages is limited to the nature of the compensation , the administrative responsibility is difficult to implement , and the criminal law can only solve the issue of criminal responsibility of persons responsible for , and so that they can not be due economic sanctions , assume the corresponding social responsibility. This article innovative food safety in punitive damages is positioned as a Law Responsibility expand legal thinking on improving food safety in punitive damages system in this premise . This article is to start from the definition of punitive damages system to analyze the current situation and problems of the punitive damages China s food safety system , and put forward feasible suggestions to address these issues , the punitive damages system become more perfect system of food safety


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