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本 科 毕 业 论 文 ? ? 题 目 配送中心的选址与规划 Subject Distribution center of the site and the planning 姓 名 梁展鹏 学 号 190111502697 所在学院 广东外语外贸大学 年级专业 2010级 ) 物流管理 指导教师 方轮 职称 完成时间 2012 年 4 月 3 日 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 配送中心的选址与规划 梁展鹏 自考本科物流管理专业(准考证号:190111502697) ? 摘 要 :选址在整个物流系统中占有重要的地位,是属于物流管理战略层的研究问题。就单个企业而言,它决定了整个物流系统及其他层次的结构,就供应链系统而言,核心企业的选址决策会影响所有供应商物流系统的选址决策。物流配送中心位置的选择,显著影响其实际营运的效率与成本,以及日后仓储规模的扩充与发展,它是个宏观战略问题,但又广泛存在于物流系统的各个层面。物流配送中心拥有众多建筑物、构筑物及固定机械设备,一旦建成很难搬迁,如果选址不当,将付出长远代价。因而对于物流配送中心的选址规划需要予以高度重视,对物流配送中心的选址研究很有现实意义。 关键词:物流配送中心现状;存在问题;选址;网络规划;方法与案例分析;发展前景。 ? Distribution center of the site and the planning Abstract: Located in the entire logistics system occupies the important position, it is to belong to the logistics management strategy layer. Single enterprise is concerned, it decided to the entire logistics system and other levels of structure, system in the supply chain, the core enterprises decision may affect all the location of logistics system supplier location decisions. Logistics distribution center location choice, significant influence on the actual operation efficiency and cost, and later when the expansion of the scale of storage and development, it is a strategic problem, but also widely exists in all aspects of the logistics system. Logistics distribution center have many buildings, structures and fixed mechanical equipment, once built it is difficult to move, if the location is undeserved, will pay a long-term price. So for the location of logistics distribution center planning need to pay much attention to the location of logistics distribution center study very is of practical significance. Key words:Logistics distribution center the present situation; Existing problems; Location; The network planning; Methods and case analysis; The development prospect. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 目 录 前言………………………………………………………………5 一、中国物流配送中心的现状……………………………..5 (一)物流业将逐渐成为中国的支柱产业…………………………6 1、现代


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