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26 实用皮肤病学杂志 2019年2月第12卷第1期 Journal of Practical Dermatology, Feb. 2019,Vol.12 No.1 • 继续医学教育 • 欧洲血管性皮肤病的激光和强脉冲光 治疗指南解读 刘丽红,周国瑜,陈 淳,杨蓉娅 [ 摘要 ] 激光和强脉冲光已经广泛应用于皮肤血管性疾病的治疗,但其所产生的不良 反应仍应引起操作者和患者的重视。欧洲激光皮肤病学会于2015 年发布的《血管性疾 病激光与强脉冲光治疗指南》基于有效性、安全性、耐受性、美容效果、患者偏好和 满意度等证据,并适时参考专家意见,制订了血管性皮肤病激光与强脉冲光操作规范。 该文对该指南作简要解读,以期为我国皮肤科和美容整形科同道提供治疗方面的帮助。 [ ] 关键词  激光;强脉冲光 [中图分类号] R454.2  [文献标识码] A  [文章编号]  1674-1293(2019)01-0026-05 Interpretation of guidelines of care for vascular lasers and intense pulse light sources from the European Society for Laser Dermatology LIU Li-hong ,ZHOU Guo-yu ,CHEN Chun,et al Institute of Skin Damege and Repair, the Seventh Medical Center of PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100700, China [Abstract] Laser and intense pulse light sources can be used for the treatment of many vascular skin lesions, but practitioners and patients still need to be careful to avoid permanent side effects. In 2015, the “European Society of Laser Dermatology: guidelines for the treatment of vascular laser and intense pulsed light” was published. Based on the evidence of efficacy, safety, tolerability, cosmetic outcome, patient satisfaction and preference, etc., and timely referring to expert opinions, the operating specifications for the application of vascular laser and intense pulsed light were formulated in the guidelines. This article briefly interprets the guide in order to provide help for Chinese dermatologists in the application of vascular laser and intense pulsed light in vascular skin lesions. [Key words] Laser ;Intense pulse light [J Pract Dermatol, 2019, 12(1):26-30] 皮肤血管性疾病在临床上常见,严重影响患者生 性光热作用原理开始应用于特定的血管性皮损。激光 活,越来越受到各国皮肤科学界的重视。自2007 年 和强脉冲光源(intense pulse light sources,IPLS )的疗 欧洲激光皮肤病学会发布上一版指南以来,对于常 效以选择性光热理论原则为基础,其中最大区别是后 [1


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