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山东建筑大学毕业设计说明书 PAGE 本科毕业设计说明书 题 目:西岗镇污水管网规划 与污水处理厂设计 院 (部) 市政与环境工程学院 专 业: 给水排水工程 班 级: 水工094班 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 完成日期: 2013年6月15日 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT II 摘 要 进行了西岗镇镇区污水管网规划与污水处理厂设计。污水管网根据就近排放的原则进行布置,主干管沿长征路(河边)铺设。干管分为六条,南北向,与等高线相交铺设。分别设置在华天路,清泉路,和平路,琼海路,新华路,知春路右侧。总服务面积为661.0公顷,管径300 ~1000 mm,埋深1.00~8.01m,总长度为35.677km,总投资为532.81万元。进水水质为BOD5:326 mg/L;SS:328 mg/L;TN:38 mg/L;TP:5 mg/L, 采用MSBR污水处理工艺,结合了A2/O工艺和SBR工艺的优点,对BOD、COD 、SS及氮和磷的却除效果好;抗冲击负荷能力强;氧利用率高;自动化程度高;采用一体化的结构设计,占地面积小。整个污水处理的工艺流程为粗格栅 → 污水泵房 →细格栅 →沉砂池 → 初沉池 → MSBR池 →混合池→ 纤维束滤池→接触消毒池→计量堰→ 出水。污水处理厂总投资为7021.67万元,设计出水水质达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918-2002)一级A标准,运行成本为0.61元/m3。 关键词:污水管网;污水处理;脱氮除磷;MSBR工艺 全套图纸加扣?3012250582 ABSTRACT This essay concerns about sewage pipe network planning and treatment plant designing in Xigang County. Sewage pipe network is basically allocated in the neighborhood, and the main canal lies along the Changzheng Road(River bank). Separately laid down on Huatian, Qingquan, Heping, Qionghai, Xinhua and Zhichun Road’s right sides, the whole pipe system is divided into six branches from north to south, intersecting the contour line. With entirely 661 hectares service area, 300~1000mm pipe diameter, 1.00~8.01m depth and 35.677km total length, the investment equals to 5.3281 million RMB. By using the MSBR process for sewage treatment integrated with the advantages of A2/O and SBR technologies, the inlet water quality is BOD5:326 mg/L;SS:328 mg/L;TN:38 mg/L;TP:5 mg/L. This kind of automated process has significant effect on filtering out all the BOD, COD, SS, Nitrogen and Phosphorus with relatively more desired anti-shock load ability and higher oxygen utilization. Simultaneously, the pipe system in this essay adopts the integration of structure designs; therefore it covers a small area. Complete process flows include coarse bar screen-sewage pump house-fine bar screen-grit chamber-primary settling tank-MSBR tank-mixing tank-fiber cluster tank-disinfecti


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