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Nowadays, we live in a society which Interacts with Internet extremely. On the web, we read books, do shopping ,buy clothes and get enormous useful information. Most of us benefit from this excellent tool in our daily life, but have you ever thought of building a website of your own? 声明: 本套PPT只作为欣赏之用。你可以套用该PPT的一部分或者全部。PPT中的某些英语句子存在严重错误,所以请大家不要怪我有误人子弟之嫌,还请包涵再三! QQ群: (验证信息请填写:冬瓜发芽推荐) 哦,我的论坛嗮在这儿,有空瞅瞅去哈…… /bbs This is a forum about our college life. Originally my thought is to provide a web space for us to share our Idea, feelings and experience. Welcome to CU-ZONE GET YOUR WEB SERVER GET YOUR DOMAIN NAME GET YOUR ICP NUMBER GET Essential software GET Enough resources NOW, LET’S BEGIN! HOW TO GET A WEB SERVER? Usually we must pay the web server company for their service. But in fact a small website costs not too much money. We can even buy that service on . HOW TO APPLY FOR A DOMAIN NAME? The easiest way is to baidu/google it. And the key words is “domain name application” . WHY SHOULD YOU GET THE ICP NUMMBER? If you forget to register your domain name ,or your website will be closed by Government at any time. EXAMPLES OF THE ESSENTIAL SOFTWARE. Microsoft frontpage, macromedia dreamweaver .etc. WHAT KIND OF RESOURCE? It’s decided by the style of your website. what kind of resource should You search for is decided by the style of your website. your website Can be a blog ,a forum ,a yellow page and so on.


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