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脊柱病变的影像学诊断 山东省医学影像学研究所 李传亭 CT脊柱检查 MRI检查脊柱的优势 总体优势: 多参数成像 多方位成像,尤其矢状断层 独特优势: 目前唯一能直接显示脊髓内部的影像检查方法 椎间盘病变 椎间盘及椎体的退变 椎间盘膨出和脱出 从脊柱长轴全面观察以免漏掉其他病变 观察突出椎间盘对脊髓或神经根的压迫程度 脊柱创伤 观察脊髓的受伤程度: 水肿、肿胀、出血、断裂、软化 观察椎体的状况: 有形态改变的骨折 无明显形态改变的小梁骨折 观察椎管的其他改变: 增生、狭窄 椎管肿瘤 髓内肿瘤 髓外硬膜下肿瘤 硬膜外肿瘤 Ependymoma(室管膜瘤) The most common intramedullary spinal neoplasm in adults, 60% , 38.8 , male Cervical cord alone the upper thoracic region. Myxopapillary ependymoma Duration of symptoms was 36.5 months Back or neck pain (67%), sensory deficits (52%), motor weakness (46%), Imaging Characteristics CT X-ray: scoliosis or canal widening with associated vertebral body scalloping, pedicle erosion, or laminar thinning MRI: T1WI iso- or hypointense; T2WI hyperintense the cap sign, a rim of extreme hypointensity (seen at the poles of the tumor on T2WI. cord edema. 3.6 vertebral segments; Cysts are a common , Syringohydromyelia Well contrast-enhanced Astrocytoma (星形细胞瘤) One-third of all spinal cord gliomas; Male; 29 years;thoracic cord (67% ), cervical cord (49%) ;Involvement of the entire spinal cord;rare filum terminale ;rarely exophytic. Pain and sensory deficits ;Motor dysfunction. Young children, with a median duration of 5 months. Pathologic Characteristics Ill-defined diffuse fusiform enlargement. Tumor cysts (eccentric, smaller, and irregular) and syrinxes are common Hypercellularity and the absence of a surrounding capsule Enlarged, irregularly shaped, hyperchromatic nuclei WHO classification Grade I: pilocytic astrocytomas 75% Grade II :fibrillary type Grade III :anaplastic astrocytomas 25% Grade IV :glioblastoma multiforme distinctly uncommon Imaging Characteristics CT 、X-ray:mild scoliosis, widened interpedicular distance, and bone erosion MRI:poorly defined margins ;T1WI iso- to hypointense ; T2WI hyperintense;seven vertebral segments; Cysts;eccen


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