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荷兰温室园艺对上海农业发展的借鉴 黄丹枫,葛体达* (上海交通大学农业与生物学院,上海200240) 摘要 上海高效生态农业的发展借鉴荷兰温室园艺的成功经验非常重要。荷兰的温室园艺的成功经验,在于先进的农业装备、高效的园艺产业链和供应链的建设,基于Eurep-GAP的园艺产品质量综合管理体系,以市场为导向的知识创新服务体系和生产生态共荣的绿色理念,体现了物质生产、环境美化、休闲娱乐和文化传承的多种功能。发展上海的创新型农业和园艺业,笔者建议:发展工厂化农业技术,提高生产效率,使农业产业由劳动密集型向技术密集型转型;建设食品生产与环境建设一体化的特色现代农业园区,通过高技术的发展,减轻农业环境资源压力;通过CHINA-GAP标准化体系建设,保障农产品生产安全;通过“绿色区域”规划和农产品供应链建设,发挥上海的区位优势服务全国和世界;依托知识创新,保障农业的可持续发展。 关键词:荷兰,温室园艺,产业链,供应链,绿色区域(Greenports),欧洲农业良好操作规范(Eurep-GAP) Development of Modern Agriculture in Shanghai by Using Experience of Greenhouse Horticulture in the Netherlands for Reference Abstract It is very important to develop the higher efficiency and ecological agriculture in Shanghai, China by using the experience of development of greenhouse horticulture in the Netherlands. There were highlights of horticultural production in Holland. Facilities and equipments were used in developing of greenhouse production chains and trade chains instead of labor. Eurep-GAP was used in order to build up the food quality and safety management systems. The concepts of talent innovation and the market-oriented production developed the achievements both in agricultural production and in ecological protection. The agriculture took the roles of production, environmental construction, entertainment and Cultural Inheritance. To develop modern agriculture and horticulture innovation in Shanghai, we suggested that the industrial technology is useful to increase production quality and quantity effectively instead of laboring. Greenport constructions are necessary for food production and environmental protection. With the application of high technology, agricultural environment and resource stress are decreased. Agricultural products are safely produced by using the CHINA-GAP standardization systems. By Greenport design and agricultural commercial chains, Shanghai will give a good service both in national and international. Knowledge innovation ability is very important for the development of sustainable ag


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