coffee 英文介绍咖啡.ppt

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6.Protein 蛋白质 Style 4.Balancing Siphon 比利时皇家咖啡壶 Mocha 摩卡 Mocha Coffee produced their first roast in 1987, directed by the vision of John Mannassis. Since the family owned business was founded, it has continued to deliver the highest quality range of exclusive blends for everyone to enjoy. . . sharing the passion they have for coffee . Kopi Luwak 猫屎咖啡 Kopi Luwak coffee comes from the Indonesian island of Sumatra, an area well-known for its excellent coffee. Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee 蓝山咖啡 Well-known coffees are characterized by the regions where they are grown. Climate and soil qualities can make subtle changes to the flavor of the resulting coffee. Brazilian Coffee 巴西咖啡 Brazilian coffee is exported all over the world. Brazil is the worlds largest coffee producer. Most of the coffee from Brazil is Arabica coffee, which is what goes into most of the higher-end coffees found in coffee shops and on grocery shelves. Sumatran Mandheling 苏门答腊曼特宁咖啡 Colombian Supermo San Agustin 哥伦比亚特级咖啡 Colombian coffee is highly marketed and widely available in the US. They have been largely successful at equating the name Colombian Coffee with Good Coffee. * COFFEE 组员:蔡琦 李灵溪 周晨星 何宛哲 Composition 1.caffeine 咖啡因 There is some controversy over whether the Caffeine in coffee causes headaches or helps relieve headaches. 2.Tannin 丹宁酸 Tannin is a substance found in many different plants. Tannin is notably found naturally occurring in grapes, tea leaves, and oak. 3.fat 脂肪 It main composition of Acid adipose and Play sex fat . 4. Acid adipose 脂肪酸 The fat contains acid, it’s strength is different from the kinds of coffee. 5.Play sex fat 玩性脂肪 It is the source of the Coffee aroma ,it is a material which can send out forty Aromatic substances It is the main source of calories , hasn’t the high proportion. 7.Sugar 糖分 Raw beans of coffee contains 8% sugar, most sugar become caramel after baking, mak


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