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浙江海洋学院东海科学技术学院本科生毕业论文 PAGE III 毕业设计论文 智能PID控制器设计 摘要 工业自动化水平已成为各行各业测量现代化水平的重要标志。与此同时,理论的发展也经历了经典控制理论,现代控制理论和智能控制理论三个阶段。因为PID控制器应用非常广,所以在工业生产过程中PID控制器产量非常广泛。同时它也是最成熟的控制器。目前大多数工业领域中的控制器都是它或者是改进型的PID控制器,虽然不断有新的控制器出现,但是传统的PID控制器结构简单,易于使用、鲁棒性强,所以在国内一直处于领先地位。 模糊控制是智能控制早期的一种形式。它是智能控制其中的一个分支。在1974年的时候,英国的Mandani成功的将模糊控制应用在锅炉和蒸汽发动机控制上,最近几年,模糊控制系统快速发展。运用模糊数学模糊控制相结合的控制理论就是模糊控制,它利用人的思维的模糊性,通过隶属度函数,模糊关系等常用的工具得到控制表格来进行控制。 在本次设计中,我将模糊控制跟PID控制结合起来,利用MATLAB软件进行仿真设计出了模糊PID控制器。并实现了PID控制器参数的智能整定。 关键词:模糊;PID控制;参数整定;智能 ABSTRACTS The?level?of?industrial?automation?has?become?an?important?symbol?of?all?walks?of?life?to?measure?the?level?of?modernization . At the same time, the development of the theory also experienced classical control theory, the modern control theory and the theory of intelligent control three stages. Because the PID controller is very wide application, so in the industrial production process PID controller is very extensive production. It is also the most mature controller. Most current in the field of industrial controller is it or is improved version of the PID controller, although there have been new controller appears, but the PID controller simple structure, easy to use, and robust, therefore in China has been in the lead. Fuzzy control is intelligent control of the early a form. It is intelligent control one of the branch. In 1974, British Mandani successful will fuzzy control used in boiler and steam engine control, in recent years, the rapid development of the fuzzy control system. Based on the fuzzy mathematics fuzzy control combination of control theory is fuzzy control, it used to thinking of fuzziness, through the membership functions, fuzzy relations commonly used tools get control form to control. In my design, I made the fuzzy control combined with PID control, and used MATLAB software under simulation to design fuzzy PID controller, moreover achieved the intelligent definition of PID controller Keywords:Fuzzy; PID control; parameters tun



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