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攀枝花学院本科毕业设计(论文) 摘要 Ⅰ 电阻炉温度控制系统设计 摘 要 在工业生产过程中,往往需要对各类加热炉、热处理炉、反应炉的温度进行检测和调节,因此需要一种合适的系统对其温度进行精确控制。由于单片机具有低功耗、高性能、可靠性好、易于产品化等特点,因此采用单片机对温度进行控制不仅节约成本,控制方法灵活多样,并且可以达到较高的控制精度,从而能够大大提高产品.的质量,因此单片机被广泛应用在中小型控制系统中。 本设计以电阻炉为研究对象,开发了基于单片机的温度控制系统。本温度控制系统按功能分主要包括温度传感器模块、数据处理模块、温度显示/设定模块和温度控制模块。设计过程中,首先进行软件设计和开发,使系统功能模块化并分别通过Proteus软件进行仿真,实现功能后对硬件进行了综合设计,并且反复论证、测试各器件参数以使其稳定运行,最终使得此系统实现了温度的恒温控制。 温度传感器采用了K型温度传感器,对温度进行实时采样并将模拟信号转换成数字信号返回给单片机。系统可通过键盘对电阻炉温度进行预设,单片机根据当前炉内温度和预设温度进行运算,控制输出宽度可调的PWM方波,并由此控制双向可控硅的导通和关断来调节电热丝的加热功率,从而使电阻炉温度迅速达到预设值并保持恒定不变。 关键词 单片机,温度传感器,可控硅,温度控制 攀枝花学院本科毕业设计(论文) ABSTRACT Ⅱ ABSTRACT Various types of furnace, heat treatment furnace, reactor temperature are detected and regulated in the industrial production processes, so they need a proper system of precise control for their temperature. The single chip microcontroller (SCM) have many advantages, such as low power consumption , high performance, reliability, easy-to-market commodity and so on. So the temperature controlled by SCM has low cost, flexible and diverse control method and higher precision, which can greatly enhance the quality of the product. The Temperature Control System is developed based on SCM for a resistance furnace system. This system includes four functional modules that are temperature sensor module, data processing module, temperature display/setting module and temperature-controlling module. In designing process, first of all, the software is designed, developed and then simulate based on Proteus software , test the device parameters to make it stable operate. At last, this system has been realized the constant temperature controlling. Thermocouple is selected to real-time sample of the temperature and to convert analog signals into digital signals that are back to the SCM system. The setting value temperature of this system can be preset through the keyboard. SCM is used to computer PWM control


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