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毕 业 设 计 [论 文]
河南城建学院本科毕业设计(论文) 摘要
摘 要
关键词:单片机STC89C52, 温度传感器PT100,模数转换器ADC0809,液晶显示器1602
河南城建学院本科毕业设计(论文) Abstract
Temperature is an essential of environmental factors in our actual production,living and many other fields. It’s particularly important to control and detect the temperature promptly and exactly. With the development of the national economy, people need to all in the furnace, heat treatment furnace, chemical and biological monitoring of the temperature of the greenhouse and control. Single-chip computer to control not only has control of their convenience, simplicity and flexibility advantages, but also substantial increase in temperature was charged with technical indicators, which can greatly improve the quality and quantity of products.
This is the software program based on the hardware part of the smart temperature data logging devices, with the hardware part of the combination of real-time temperature measurement and control. The hardware part is based on the platinum resistance PT100 temperature sensor, the method of constant current temperature, by microcontroller STC89C52 control, amplifier, A/D converter temperature signal acquisition, collected by the microcontroller signal sent to the LCD1602 to be displayed on the button to adjust the temperature, the lower limit. The software part modular, the program for some of the features of the hardware circuit and the resistance - temperature scale conversion of the collected temperature data filtering, real-time temperature mea
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