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Journal of Engineering Geology 工程地质学报 1004- 9665/2008/16(5) 061105 * 赵建军 巨能攀 涂国祥 ( 610059) , ,, , , , 70m , ,, 1: 0. 75; , , , , , ; : TD824. 7 : A DEFORMATION MECHANISM AND SUPPORTING MEASURES OF MAN- MADE SLOPES IN LOOSE DEPOSITS ZHAO Jianjun J Nengpan T Guoxiang (S tateK ey Laboratory of Geohazard P revention and Geo - Environm ent Protection, Chengdu University of echnology, Chengdu 610059) Abstract Thispaper is to study the selection of rationalslope ratio and slope deformationmechanism in loose de posits, which is the basis of slope stability evaluation and supporting design. A m an-made slope comprising loose deposits in SouthwestChina is taken as an example. Based on study on the characteristicsof loose deposits, rational slope ratio is defined according to the terrain. Two- dmi ensional finite elementmethod is used to study deformation mechanism of the cut slope and to determ ine potential slide surface. At last, the supporting m easures are put for ward according to the slope stability analysis. The slope has loose deposits of70m in thickness comprising alluvia,l proluvia,l and debris flow deposits. The slope ratio is designed as 1: 0. 75 because the engineering flat is located at the lower part of the slow slope, whose upper part is steeper. The result of numerical smi ulation indicates that the cut slope area and the slope crest area generate tension stresses. Themaxmi um shear stress concentrates at the low er part of the slope, which result in tension cracks at the slope top and shearing deformation at lower part of the slope. W hen the shearing deformation develops upwards to the tension cracks, the slopewould show an overall in stability. According to the mechanism analysis and result of slope stability evaluation, a synthetical supporting measure is put forward to conform the stability of the slope durin


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