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内容摘要保证是一种重要的担保方式,它对于增强债务人的信用、确保债权人权利的 内容摘要 保证是一种重要的担保方式,它对于增强债务人的信用、确保债权人权利的 实现有着重要的意义。它设定方式简单、灵活,不妨碍担保人正常财产的使用和 流通,因而与担保物权相比毫不逊色。 作为一种重要的法律制度,保证有特定的法律含义。保证制度有独特的存在 原因,这也形成保证制度在西方较为悠久的发展历史。保证的法律价值主要在于 以下几方面:首先从法理角度分析,保证制度对相关主体有特殊效用;其次从民 法角度分析,保证担保有区别于物权担保的独特法律价值;最后,保iiE锘lJ度对于 我国市场经济的建设有独特的价值。保证的制度框架主要在于明确保证人的法律 责任,重点在于保证的立法界定。通过比较法研究,我国保证定义存在明显的问 题。保证制度蕴含的内在法理主要在于:首先从立法目的分析,该制度丰要确保 市场交易安全与防范道德信用风险;从创设理念分析,该制度主要力求确认和平 衡各方当事人的利益。根据保证本应蕴含的内在法理分析我国现行保证制度,主 要对保证方式和保证期间制度提出质疑,并尝试提出完善的措施。 关键词:保证法律价值法理 保证方式保证期间 AbstractGuarantee Abstract Guarantee is important way of security,which is of great importance to enhance the debtor's credit and to the realization of the right of creditors.Its setting mode iS simple and flexible,and it has effect the and circulation of the guarantor’S normal property,and thus Can compare favorably with security interests. As an important legal system,guarantee has specific legal meaning.Guarantee has unique for its existence,and it has long history in the West.The legal value of}guarantee mainly lies in the following aspects:first,from the point of view of legal principles,guarantee has special effects the main parties related;second,guarantee has the unique legal value that is different from security interests from the point of view of civil law;finally guarantee has the unique value to the development of China’S market economy.The institutional framework of guarantee ensures the liability of guarantor and the focus is its legislative definition.Through the study of comparative law,it be s嘲l that the definition of China guarantee has an obvious problem.The inherent legal principles that guarantee system contains is analyzed in the following two aspects:first,the legislation purpose of guarantee is to ensure market business safety and keep the risks of morality and credit away;,second,the creating idea of guarantee is that the system affirms and balances tile benefit of all parties related.According to the inherent legal principles implicated,the


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