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Hypertension in the Very ElderlyLisheng LIU Epidemiology HYVET Study The prevalence of hypertension in elderly population for China Japan from the national surveys conducted in 1992 1993 The effect of SBP on stroke mortality by age groups in Chinese elderly populations Stroke mortality in Asian menfrom 1987 to 2007 Stroke mortality in Asian womenfrom 1987 to 2007 Blood pressure and stroke mortality in the Chinese elderly cohort (n=4814) Blood pressure and stroke mortality in the Chinese elderly cohort (n=4814) The effects of BP on the risk of stroke mortality by age gr. in the elderly (Cox proportional hazard regression model, controlled for age and smoking, stratified by sex) Stroke mortality (per 100,000 population per year) of elderly (≧ 80yrs) in Asia in the latest available year Metabolic Syndrome in Beijing (1827 sub., 2000) Overweight Obesity in Beijing (1827 sub., 2000) BMI 5 Yr. All Cause Mortality Cognitive Function 5 Yr. Survival Rate Renal Function (CISC cohort) GFR in each age group (weighted and not) The over-80’s are the fastest-growing group on the planet Age and SBP are two major components of CV risk Antihypertensive therapy reduces CV risk and mortality in patients under 80 Epidemiology HYVET Study Baseline Data (Previous Cardiovascular History) Reported characteristics of subjects at entry to the HYVET 1) in China and 2) in the other Countries. Statistical comparisons include a gender x region interaction term ?Gender difference(P0.05); ?Gender difference(P0.0 I);**Regional difference (P0.01)*Regional difference (P0.05);¥Gender regional interaction term (P0.05) ¥¥ Gender regional interaction term (P0.01) Chinese subjects in HYVET Were slightly younger, had less previous hypertension but more previous strokes. Smoked more than the other trial participants but drank less alcohol. Less previous episodes of MI, lighter shorter. Had lower mean concentrations of blood urea, uric acid and Cr higher concentrations of HD
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