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摘 摘 要 九届人大常委会于2001年先后通过了《中华人民共和国法官 法》(以下简称《法官法》)、《中华人民共和国检察官法》(以下简称 《检察官法》)、《中华人民共和国律师法》(以下简称《律师法》), 修正案规定,国家对初任法官、初任检察官、律师实行统一的国家 司法考试制度,这标志着我国国家统一司法考试制度的正式确立。 这一制度的确立将有利于司法官人事制度的改革,有利于法律职业 共同体的实现,有利于法学教育的改革。国家司法考试制度在我国 属新生事物,有其自身的一些特点及不足:它报名条件严格;考试 公平公正;实行的是含有“二次考试制度”理念的“一次考试制度”; 考试形式单一急需完善。针对首届国家统一司法考试存在的问题及 不足,笔者建议从三处着手进行完善:首先,在放宽报名条件和降 低录取分数线上应讲求“权义平衡”;其次,以国家司法统一考试制 度为契机深化司法官人事制度改革;最后,以“统一:考试+统一研修” 的结合来完善现行的司法统一考试制度,使国家实行司法统一考试 制度的目的能更好地实现。当然国家司法统考制度的完善是一个值 得大家长期思考和探索的问题。 关键词:司法考试职业共同体统一研修 Abstract砌e Abstract 砌e Judges Law of the Peoples Republic of China(hereinafter called Judges Law),Public Procurators Law of the People j Republic oJ China(hereinafter called Public Procurators Law)and Law of the People j Republic of China lawyers(hereinafter called Law Lawyers)have been adopted by the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People’S Congress of the People’S Republic of China in2001.In these is regulated that the nation will have persons to be appointed judges,public procurators and lawyers for the first time to comply wi血the system of unitary judicial examination.which is the symbol of the formal establishment of national unitary judicial examination system.The establishment of this system will be beneficial to the reform of judicial offichis system and personal system;be beneficial to the accomplishment of the legal profession community;be benefieial to也e reform of law education.The national iUdicial examination system is kind of new matter,which has its own characters and shortcomings:the strict condition for tht:entrance of the examination;the equity and justness of the examination;the“once examination system”which implies the idea of‘second time examination system’’and the simplex form of examination that needs to be perfected According to the problems and shortages exited in the first national{udicial examination,author suggests that the system should be perfected in the following three aspects:first, on也e basis of lower condition for


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