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Wieland-M33 Rolled Products CuZn33 C26800 Material Designation Chemical Composition (Reference) Typical Applications EN CuZn33 Cu 67 % · Metal goods UNS* C26800 Zn balance · Deep drawn parts · Components for the electrical * Unified Numbering System (USA) industry · Stamped parts · Connectors Physical Properties* Fabrication Properties Corrosion Resistance Electrical MS/m 15.5 Capacity for Being Good resistance to: fresh water, Conductivity %IACS 26.7 Cold Worked excellent neutral or alkaline solutions, organic compounds as well as land, sea, and Thermal Conductivity W/(m·K) 121 Machinability fair industrial atmosphere. Coefficient Capacity for Being of Electrical Electroplated excellent Not resistant to: acids, hydrous Resistance** 10-3/K 1.6 Capacity for Being sulphur compounds, hydrous Coefficient of Hot-Dip Tinned excellent ammonia (stress corrosion cracking) Thermal Expansion** 10-6/K 19.9 in non-stress-relieved condition. Soft Soldering excellent Density g/cm3 8.50 Resistance Modulus of Elasticity GPa 112 Welding good Specific Heat J/(g·K) 0.377 Gas Shielded * Reference values at room temperature Arc Welding fair ** Between 0 and 300 °C Laser Welding less suitable Mechanical Properties Temper R280


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