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Wales --- Population: 2.9 Million --- Capital city: Cardiff --- People: Celts, Anglo-Saxons --- Language: Welsh, English --- Religion: Nonconformist (非国教) Protestants, Anglicans, Catholics Beaumaris Castle in N. Wales Caerphilly Castle in S. Wales Wales 1. A brief introduction of Wales 1) capital: Cardiff, on the south coast 2) rich coal deposits attract foreign investment from Japan and U.S, etc. --- new industries to replace coal and steel 3) smallest on the British mainland; close to central England; hilly and rugged 4) retains a powerful sense of difference from England 5) retains its own language; 19% population speaking Gaelic 2. Campaigns for independence of UK --- resist the English 1) 1267, Llywelyn ap Gruffudd (卢埃林·阿普·格鲁菲德), forced the English to acknowledge him as Prince of Wales by a military campaign, and unified Wales as an independent nation. 2) 1282, he was killed. The English King Edward I named his son the Prince of Wales, trying to bring Wales into the British nation. 3) 1400, Owain Glyndwr (欧文·格林道瓦尔) led an unsuccessful rising against the English. 4) 1536, Wales was brought legally into the UK by an act of the British Parliament. 5) Wales sends 38 representatives to the London Parliament. 4 are from the Nationalist Party. Northern Ireland Population: 1.6 Million Capital city: Belfast People: Irish Language: English, and Irish Religion: 95% Roman Catholic, 3.4% Protestant in the Republic; 60% Protestant, 40% Roman Catholic in Northern Ireland Northern Ireland 1. Population and physical features of Northern Ireland (北爱尔兰的人口和地理特征) 1)?often called Ulster, smallest of the 4 (in area population) 2) 1.5 million people, smaller than many Chinese cities 3)?capital: Belfast, the biggest city in the province, east coast 4)?mostly rural, low hills, beautiful lake district in the south-west, rugged coastline, including its most famous landmark, the Giant’s Causeway (巨型长堤)



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