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2007 44(4)  Chinese Bulletin of Entomology ·603 ·  * 刘红霞 彩万志 (  100094) * The structure and function of simple eyes of insects.LIU Hong-Xia, CAI Wan-Zhi (Department of Entomology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094, China) Abstract In addition to the compound eyes, most of the insects ha e some simple eyes called ocelli.Adult and nymphal hemimetabolous insects possess some simple eyes on the head between the compound eyes called dorsal ocelli.Dorsal ocelli ary a lot in number and in structure, it also ary somewhat, but typically it is made up of a corneal lens, a layer of corneagenous cells (which secrets the lens), and the retina (which is composed of up to 1000 photosensiti e cells depending on the species).Dorsal ocelli ha e been shown to be low light sensiti e, but are apparently not important in image perception.They may be “the stimulatory organs” that increase the sensiti ity of the compound eyes.Many lar ae of holometabolous insects lack both compound eyes and dorsal ocelli, but they possess some simple ocellilike stemmata on each side of the head.The structure of the stemmata is similar to an indi idual ommatidium of compound eyes.Typically it consists of a cornea, a crystalline body and a number of retinal cells forming a rhabdom.Stemmata are the sole isual organs in holometabolous lar ae.In arious insects they ha e been shown to be in ol ed with color, form and distance perception like compound eyes. Key words insect, simple eyes, ocellus, stemmata   , 。 , 。, 、()、(1 000, )。 , ;“”, 。 , 。 , , 。 , , 、、。  , , ,   , ,Chapman[6] [7]


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