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Numerical Methods in Engineering with MATLAB R
Second Edition
Numerical Methods in Engineering with MATLAB R is a text for engi-
neering students and a reference for practicing engineers. The choice of
numerical methods was based on their relevance to engineering prob-
lems. Every method is discussed thoroughly and illustrated with prob-
lems involving both hand computation and programming. MATLAB
M-files accompany each method and are available on the book Web
site. This code is made simple and easy to understand by avoiding com-
plex bookkeeping schemes while maintaining the essential features of
the method. MATLAB was chosen as the example language because of
its ubiquitous use in engineering studies and practice. This new edi-
tion includes the new MATLAB anonymous functions, which allow the
programmer to embed functions into the program rather than storing
them as separate files. Other changes include the addition of rational
function interpolation in Chapter 3, the addition of Ridder’s method in
place of Brent’s method in Chapter 4, and the addition of the downhill
simplex method in place of the Fletcher–Reeves method of optimization
in Chapter 10.
Jaan Kiusalaas is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Engineer-
ing Science and Mechanics at the Pennsylvania State University. He has
taught numerical methods, including finite element and boundary ele-
ment methods, for more than 30 years. He is also the co-author of four
other books – Engineering Mechanics: Statics, Engineering Mechanics:
Dynamics, Mechanics of Materials, and Numerical Methods in Engineer-
ing with Python, Second Edition.
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