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毕业设计(论文) 题目: 浅谈施工安全与项目进度控制 分 院:________________________    专  业:___________________    班  级:___________________ 学  号:___________________    学生姓名:___________________    指导教师:___________________ 年 月 日 浅谈施工安全与项目进度控制 作者 摘 要 建筑施工是一项流动性比较大的作业,一般情况下都是在露天、高空的环境中作业,并且施工人员的素质相对也比较低,属于出现安全事故比较多的行业之一,并且随着近年来建筑市场的竞争不断激烈,很多建筑企业为了在建筑市场上生存发展开始过度追求施工进度,进而在一定程度上忽视施工安全的管理,导致建筑施工过程中经常出现安全事故,进而影响了企业的发展。但是在实践中发现如果加大安全投入,相应会造成施工进度减缓,同时在另外一个方面如果加快施工进度会进一步降低安全性,因此如何在保证施工安全的前提下按时或者提前地完成工程项目已经成为工程施工首要考虑的问题,同时也是建筑企业管理者所面临的问题。基于此,本文探讨了施工安全与项目进度控制的相关概念及两者之间的关系,并提出合理调节安全、进度相互关系的措施建议,具有重要的实际意义。 关键词:施工安全;施工进度;进度控制;措施建议 Abstract The construction is a relatively large liquidity operations, generally work in the open, high altitude environment, and the quality of construction personnel is relatively low, the occurrence of safety accidents is one of the more industries, and with the construction market competition in the constantly fierce, many construction enterprises in construction the market began to excessive pursuit of survival and development of the construction schedule, and then ignore the construction safety in a certain extent, the management of safety accidents often occur in the construction process, thus affecting the development of the enterprise. But in practice it is found that if the increase safety input, the corresponding construction caused by slow progress, but on the other hand if the construction progress will further reduce the safety, therefore how to ensure the construction safety under the premise of time or in advance to complete the project has become the primary consideration of construction engineering problems, but also the management of construction enterprises the problems facing. Based on this, this paper discusses the concept of construction safety and project schedule control and the relationship between the two, and puts forward the reasonable adjustment of security, the progress of the relationship between the proposed measures,


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