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威学托福TPO模考系统 / 2018年8月25日托福考试 独立写作解析 独立写作考题: You may choose between two professors who will be teaching a course that you must take at your university.?If the following statements are the only information available to you about the differences between the two professors,?which professor would you choose? Why? --One professor was voted most popular in a survey of students about their teachers. --One professors has just been given an award for outstanding research. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Be sure to use your own words. Do not use memorized examples. 题目特征: 双选题,教育类话题,题干信息量相对较大 题干信息解读 该题信息可以精炼为: 大学选课时,更加倾向于选择哪位教授的课程? 1)学生票选中最受欢迎的教授 2)刚因杰出研究获奖的教授 该题整体来说,难度不大,学生拿到手之后应该是有话可说——毕竟选课对每位学生来说,已然不陌生。针对自己选课时考虑的因素以及为何会有该考虑因素,再结合题干中所提供的两种教授特点,自然会找到展开作文的思路。 比如,选课时,我们会考虑“whether is the course academically beneficial to us or not?”,”whether is the professor friendly and attractive or not??”等等,思考之后,再结合题目中所给特点(voted most popular; just awarded for outstanding research)进行分析即可 针对该题的参考思路,针对“教授受欢迎”,很容易想到,理由如下: 01、教授风趣,讲解清楚简单,让学生积极参与,很会激起学生的参与热情和兴趣。 The class offered by the popular professor can be rendered to be interesting rather than inflexible or vapid, easier for students to be attracted and then concentrated, inspire students to participate more actively/more opportunities can be created for students to interact, spark off the passion and interest from students, study more effectively and efficiently. 02、教授受欢迎,意味着学生与老师的互动或者交流很多,因此更容易发现学生们的相关问题,必然可以针对性的给出建议,从而让学生在学习中获得更多提高 It cannot be denied that students are more willing to interact with the most popular professor, more interaction or communication in or after class, easier for the professor to notice where the student is not good or proficient enough academically, offer some


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