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摘要要英文翻译,参考文献要在内容中标出来 贵州省物流园区的发展研究 摘 要 目前物流业飞速发展,物流园区是物流发展到特定期间的特定产品。各地己经掀起一股计划建设物流园区的热潮。贵州省政府也都在生动计划建设物流园区,但是贵州省的物流园区计划还远没有起到一个优秀物流园区的规范。目前,物流园仍是贵州省物流业发展中的一大薄弱环节,适用于贵州省的物流园区计划理论的研究还很不老到,主要会集在概念的界定、定性剖析以及选址问题上。而对物流园区计划理论中十分重要的构成有些:物流园区计划优化以及物流园区与交通计划匹配的问题研究较少。然后致使呈现了盲目建设物流园区,建成后又许多空置的现象。 截止2013年,正式运营的物流园区逐渐增多,物流基地逐渐开始从计划建设向实际运营改动。在这个进程中,一方面需要政府对物流基地的发展进行必要的引导,另一方面物流基地的运营商要以客户为导向大胆创新。 这篇文章主要介绍了贵州省物流园区发展现状与对策研究这一论题的选题背景及意义,然后是物流园区的概述及发生的背景根据,然后为谈论贵州省物流园区的计划建设,发展现状及物流园区存在的主要问题剖析奠定理论和实际根底,在此根底上提出了完善贵州省物流园区的有关主张。 关键词:物流园区;发展现状;建议 Development of logistics park in Guizhou Province Abstract At present, the rapid development of the logistics industry, logistics park is the logistics development to a specific period of a specific product. Around has set off a wave of plans to build a logistics park. Guizhou provincial government also plans to build a logistics park in vivid, but the logistics park planned in Guizhou Province is far did not play a good specification logistics park. Currently, the Logistics Park is still the logistics industry in Guizhou Province is a major weak link, the researchers applied to Guizhou Province logistics park plan theory is far from seasoned, will mainly be set to define the concept of qualitative analysis and siting. The theory of planned logistics park in some very important component: research questions and plan optimization of logistics parks and transportation logistics park planned match less. Then presents the resulting blind construction logistics park, built after many vacant phenomenon. As of 2013, the official carrier of the logistics park gradually increased, gradually began to alter the logistics base from planning to actual construction operations. In this process, on the one hand the need for the development of logistics base for the government to make the necessary guidance, on the other hand logistics base operators want to customer-oriented and innovative. This article introduces the background and significance of the logi


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