
135- 典型气候区典型建筑负荷特性研究.pdf

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典型气候区典型建筑负荷特性研究 ☆ 北京市勘察设计研究院有限公司 刘启明 高朋 刘嘉 李向虎 摘要:地埋管地源热泵系统取热量和放热量的平衡对地埋管地源热泵系统长期稳定运行 尤为重要,其系统取热量和放热量均取决于建筑物的冷热负荷。本文采用DeST 软件对典型 气候区典型建筑的全年逐时负荷进行模拟并分析其特性,酒店和医院建筑的负荷稳定性较 差,持续性较强,商场、住宅和办公类建筑负荷稳定性较强,持续性较弱;严寒地区和夏热 冬冷地区全年累计冷热负荷及空调季累计冷热负荷的不平衡率较高,而寒冷地区不平衡率较 低。 关键词:建筑负荷、DeST 软件、气候区、典型建筑 Study on the Load Characteristic of the Typical Buildings of the Typical Climate Area By Liu Qiming, Gao Peng, Liu Jia and Li Xianghu Abstract: In the ground source heat pump system, the balance between the heat taken and the heat released is particularly important for the long-term stable operation of the ground source heat pump system. The amount of the heat taken and the heat released is depend on the cooling and heating loads of the building. This paper simulates the annual dynamic load of the typical buildings of typical climate are though DeST, and analyzes its characteristics. The load of the hotel building and the hospital building is poor stability and strong continuity, the load of the residential housing and the office building and the department store building is poor continuity and strong stability. The rate of imbalance of the accumulated annual cold-hot load and the accumulated cooling-heat load in the air-conditioning season in severe cold region and hot summer and cold winter region is higher, but it’s lower in cold region. Keywords: building load; DeST software; climate are; typical buildings 1 引言 地埋管地源热泵是利用热泵技术将浅层地热能用于满足建筑物冷热负荷需求。地埋管地 源热泵将夏季建筑物产生的热量排放至土壤中,而冬季则从土壤中提取热量传递至建筑物 中。地埋管地源热泵系统取热量和放热量的平衡是保证其长期稳定运行的关键[1] 。而地埋管 地源热泵系统的取热量和放热量又取决于建筑物的冷热负荷,因此,建筑物的冷热负荷是影 响地埋管地源热泵运行稳定及适用性的重要因素,故本文对建筑物的负荷特性进行研究。 我国地域辽阔,根据建筑热工特性,分为五类典型气候区(严寒地区、寒冷地区、夏热 冬冷地区、夏热冬暖地区、温和地区)。五类典型气候区因其气象参数不同,对建筑负荷特 性具有一定影响。建筑物根据其使用功能,围护结构、人员密度、照明设备功率等设计参数 存在差异,建筑类型对建筑的冷热负荷也存在一定影响[2-4] 。故本文对典型气候区典型建筑 负荷特性进行研究,采用建筑全年动态逐时负荷模拟软件DeST 模拟典型气候区典型建筑负 荷,并分析其负荷



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