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内陆国在海洋法上的权利与蒙古国的实践 摘 要 海洋是全人类的财富,因此内陆国应享有同沿海国同样的海洋权利和自由。 因为领土不通海洋,加上远离世界市场并与之隔绝,内陆国的整个社会经济发 展努力受到严重的制约。因此内陆国是否有自由出入海洋的权利、是否享有与 沿海国同样的海洋权利不仅关系到内陆国经济发展,也关系到海洋法理论的发 展和应用。随着科学技术的发展和人类对海洋的认识加深,内陆国的海洋权利 随着沿海国权利的扩展而扩展。从上个世纪20年代至今,国际社会包括广大的 内陆国都为内陆国在海洋法上的权利做出了不少贡献。1982年《联合国海洋法 公约》针对在领海、专属经济区、大陆架、公海和国际海底区域等各种不同性 质的海域,根据不同情况,规定了内陆国的某些权利。如无害通过权、过境通 行权以及铺设海底电缆和管道的自由等。但实际上,内陆国要行使海洋法上的 权利并不像人们想象中的那么简单,这些权利也没有像条约规定的那样完全被 落实。因此,内陆国海洋法上的权利还有待包括内陆国在内的国际社会的共同 努力和合作。 作为典型内陆国家的蒙古国,一方面积极参与国际海洋公约的缔结,一方 面也积极组织海洋法方面的国际会议,为内陆国争取权利,为海洋法的发展作 出了贡献。但是,在有关蒙古国在海洋法上的各项权利的实现上也还存在着各 种问题。本文试图借鉴发达的内陆国的发展经验,分析导致这些问题的原因并 寻求解决问题的方法。 关键字:内陆国;海洋法;联合国海洋法公约;出入海洋的权利;专属经 济区;国际海底区域;蒙古国1 Abstract The sea is the treasure of the human. Therefore, land-locked states should have the same rights and freedoms with costal states. Because Land-locked states don’t have the territories that lead to the sea, what’s more, they are far away from the world market and so isolated their development in economy and society is seriously hampered. Especially in the environment where 90% of the world trades are accomplished though the sea, land-locked states need more to enter into the sea and master the methods to use the sea, so as to promote their development. And this process is also the process of the development of the marine law, at the same time of its usage in practice. As a consequent, whether land-locked states have the rights to enter into the sea and whether they have the same rights with costal states, doesn’t merely have influence on the development of economy, and also the perfect of the theory of marine law and its application As the development of science and technology, and more and more research of human in the sea, the marine rights of land-locked states have been supplicatedFrom the firstly used freedom of voyage in the public sea, to the right of explore the resources in the exclusive economic zone, and even to the right of share the exploring parts undersea with othe


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