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成大中文學報 第五十八期 2017 年9 月 頁59-100 國立成功大學中文系 一甲不預 ,則望館選 ─王肯堂的科名與萬曆科舉世風 連文萍* 摘 要 王肯堂出身科舉世家,父、祖皆為進士。其性喜學醫,以業舉而棄去,久困場 屋,於萬曆17 年己丑科中進士,惟年已四十,又名列三甲第一八四名,深有失落。 幸而參與翰林院館選 ,榮膺館元,一雪前恥。其後於翰林院讀書,累積學力,館課 居前 ,為庶吉士之佼佼者,獲留館為翰林院檢討,可惜因身陷黨爭而黯然去職。本 文討論其科考相關經歷 ,一窺名第對新進士的影響,也論述萬曆時科場日壞、館選 競逐、黨爭傾軋等風氣。王肯堂身受朝廷栽培 ,最終難有作為,不僅是個人與家族 的失落,尤見朝臣不能戮力同心,反是各懷猜忌、營私攬權,正為明廷步向衰亡的 重要原因。此外,其未有個人別集傳世,本文輯得館課文二十三篇、詩十六首,可 略窺其文章才具,並見當世翰苑掄才育才的成效 ,及人才不能為國所用的困境 。 關鍵詞 :王肯堂、庶吉士 、翰林院、科舉、萬曆 * 東吳大學中國文學系教授 。 59 成 大 中 文 學 報 第 五 十 八 期 Wang Ken Tang’s Scholarly Honors and Public Morals in Wan Li Imperial Examination Lien Wen-Ping Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, Soochow University Abstract Wang Ken Tang was born in the aristocratic family because his father and grandfather were palace graduate. He gives up being a doctor, and he is becoming a palace graduate when he turns to 40 years old. He is number 184 in the rank, which he is not satisfied with his ranking. Fortunately, he was admitted to the academician recruit of Han Lin Academy Department. He studies hard when he stays at Han Lin Academy Department. Finally, he got a very good result among the Shujishi (which means “All good men of virtue” is a scholastic title during the Ming and Qing dynasty of China) and he retained as Han Lin Jian Tao (Official position, the person that who write the Dynasty history) and he quit the job because of the faction’s struggles. This paper focus on Wang’s Imperial Examination experiences and the bad morals of the society, although he w


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