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编码实现 double PlayGame() { int actual_price, lower_price = lowest_price, higher_price = highest_price; int chances_left = guesstimate_count; int bout_count = 0, prevailed_bout_count = 0; while(TRUE) { printf( \n ); actual_price = InitializeBout(); if(PlayBout(actual_price, lower_price, higher_price, chances_left)) prevailed_bout_count++; bout_count++; if(!Again()) break; } return (double)prevailed_bout_count / (double)bout_count; } 编码实现 void PrintGameOverInfo(double prevailed_ratio) { printf(\nprevailed ratio: %.2lf%%.\n, prevailed_ratio * 100); if(prevailed_ratio = 0.75) printf(You luckyyyyyyyyyyyyy!\n\n); else if(prevailed_ratio = 0.50) printf(So gooooooood.\n\n); else printf(You can do it better. Wish you luck.\n\n); } static int InitializeBout() { return GenerateRandomNumber(lowest_price, highest_price); } 编码实现 static BOOL PlayBout(int actual_price, int lower_price, int higher_price, int chances_left) { int guesstimate_price; int judge_result; while(chances_left 0){ guesstimate_price = GetGuesstimatePrice(lower_price, higher_price, chances_left); guesstimate_price = CheckValidationOfGuesstimatePrice(lower_price, higher_price, guesstimate_price); chances_left--; judge_result = JudgeGuesstimatePrice(actual_price, guesstimate_price); switch(judge_result){ case 1: if(chances_left 0){ printf(\nHigher.\n); higher_price = guesstimate_price - 1; } else{ printf(\nYou lose this bout. The actual price is %d.\n, actual_price); return FALSE; } break; case -1: if(chances_left 0){ printf(\nLower.\n); lower_price = guesstimate_price + 1; } else{ printf(\nYou lose this bout. The actual price is %d.\n, actual_price); return FALSE; } break; default: printf(\nYou winnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!\n); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } 编码实现 static BOOL Again() { printf(\nPlay a new game (\n\ to stop, other words to play again)? );
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