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PAGE 18 题目:浅论简媜诗化散文 学 院:文学院 专 业:汉语言文学 届 别:2008级 学 号:0818112037 姓 名:訾婧梅 指导老师:倪金华 指导老师职称:教授 华侨大学教务处印制 2012 年 4 月 摘 要 简媜是台湾文坛上一位与众不同的女创作者,她以英毅刚烈的姿态的出现。也在她身上既有“乡土”的,有“现代”的,简媜在人们熟知的天地里发现了一片新天地。对其自体生命的不断叩问,令人敬佩;反省、思索与解脱更是简媜内心世界的质问,一位坚强独立有才气的女子非常善于将复杂、杂乱的情愫表现得既有气势又有节制,将压入潜意识的一片混沌之中的意识重新发掘出来。简媜的散文中弥漫了浓浓的古典主义情愫,静静地审视生命,思考人生,具有人文关怀,简媜是个诗智重于理智的创作者,在她的散文世界中我们可以看到新的艺术肌理。 本文将从写作内容、写作主题、写作风格等方面深入分析,联系简嫃的主要代表作,旁及与此相关的资料,研究其诗化散文的特点,以及她对中国散文创作的开拓影响,并赋予了她在台湾散文发展史的地位。 关键词:简媜、散文、诗化创作 ABSTRACT Jane Zheng is a distinctive female creator in the Taiwanese literary field.She is in the attitude with staunch with moral integrity to appear.In her works we can see both “local” and “modern”.Jane Zheng is known as the heaven and earth to find a new world.Constantly ask to their lives,admirable; Reflect, she has free thinking and questioning of the inner world, A strong independent brilliant woman is very good at using complex, messy affair to make the text both momentum and in moderation, pressed into the subconscious of a switch out of the chaos. The thick of the prose of the classicism feelings diffuse in her creation. Examining life quietly and thinking about life, especially has humane care in her world. Jane Zheng is a poem in the mind of the creator, In her essay we can see the new world of art textures. This article from writing content, themes, writing style and other in-depth analysis, contact Jane Zheng by representatives of major and related information,to study on characteristics of poetic prose,to know her influence on the development of Chinese prose and give her prose in Taiwan history. Key words:Jane Zheng、essay、poetic. 目 录 一、摘要…………………………………………………………………1 二、ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………2 三、引言…………………………………………………………………5 四、创作基调……………………………………………………………5 五、写作内容与主题……………………………………………………5 (一)写作内容…………………………………………………………5 1.记载家乡的人文生活,关怀思念之情予其中 2.勘探女性的内心世界,为当代女性的代言人 (二)写作主题 …………………………………………………7 1.孤寂的氛围 2.真爱的礼赞 3.地母的温馨 4.壮士的坚强 六、创作风格………………………………………………………11 1.建立自然生态的意象框


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