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PAGE PAGE 42 Travel in Chinese Bookmarks Lesson 1 12-26-2008 15:30 1)哪儿 Where (例)你们住在哪儿?Where do you live? (例) 你从哪儿来?Where do you come from? (例) 哪儿卖火车票?Where do they sell train tickets? 2)给 preposition, as in for somebody (例)妈妈给儿子收拾房间。The mother tidied the room for her son. (例)他给我介绍了中国的交通情况。He told me all about the Chinese transportation. 3)应该 should do something or be some way (例)如果他坐两点的火车,现在应该到了。 If he took the 2 oclock train, he should have arrived by now. (例)他是在中国长大的,应该看得懂中文。 He grew up in China, he should understand Chinese. (例)已经是3月了,应该暖和了。 Its already March, it should be warm by now. 4)可以……can, possibly, maybe (例)我可以用这个电话吗? Can I use this telephone? Lesson 2 12-26-2008 15:34 1)是……的 a way of emphasizing something about an action, like the time, location or way something has been done. (例)他是去年九月来的。Emphasizing time He came last year in September. (例) 他是来旅游的。Emphasizing purpose He came for tourism. (例)他们是坐船走的。Emphasizing method of transportation He went by boat. (例) 她是在家吃的早饭。Emphasizing where she had breakfast She had breakfast at home. 2)可能 possible, maybe (例)这么晚了他可能不会来了。 Its so late, maybe he wouldnt come after all. (例)今天下午可能会下雪。 Maybe it will snow this afternoon. 3)再 indicates an action or state repeating or continuing (例)请您再说一遍。 Could you say that again? (例)我们再等一会儿吧。 Let’s wait a little bit longer. 4)赶快 quickly, hurry (例)要下雨了,我们赶快走吧。 Its going to rain, lets go quickly. (例)已经8点了,赶快起床吧。 Its already 8 oclock, quick! Get out of bed! Lesson 3 12-26-2008 15:39 1)还有 also, in addition (例) 他会说法语、英语,还有汉语。 He can speak French, English, and Chinese. (例) 这种衣服的颜色很多,有红色、蓝色、还有黄色。 This clothing is very colorful, there is red, blue, and there is yellow. 2)一……就……,indicates that one event follows immediately after the other (例)你一到北京就给我打个电话。 As soon as you arrive in Beijing, give me a call. 3)离 from (例)这儿离我们家不太远。 Its not too far to our house from here. (例)现在离飞机起飞还有十分钟。 From now to the time the plan takes off, there is about 10


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