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The Reproductive System 山东大学医学院 解剖教研室 李振华 Composition Internal genital organ Gonads (sex glands)-manufacture the sex cells an secrete the sex hormones. Genital ducts –transport the sex cells from the site of production into site fertilization Accessory glands-secrete the fluid External genital organ The Male Reproduce System 男性生殖系统 Male internal genital organs Gonad –testis 睾丸 Paired, smooth, ovoid male reproductive organ, slightly flattened anteroposteriorly Located in scrotum Has a tough fibrous coat, the tunica albuginea, this sends numerous fibrous septules into the gland, dividing it into testicular lobules that contain the contorted seminiferous tubules. Posteriorly the tubules form the rete testis and the efferent ducts, and open into the head of the epididymis Produces sperm and secretes androgens Genital ducts Epididymis 附睾 Comma-shaped, with head, body and tail of epididymis Located on superior extremity and posterolateral aspect of testis Contains tortuous canal that extends from testis to ductus (vas) deferens in spermatic cord Function – the site of accumulation and storage of sperm Ductus deferens 输精管 Muscular tube that transports sperm form epididymis to ejaculatory duct Four part: Testicular part 睾丸部 -extends form the tail of epididymis to the superior extremity of testis Spermatic part 精索部 -extends form superior extremity of testis to the superficial inguinal ring, the place where the vasectomy is performed Inguinal part 腹股沟部 -extends form superficial to deep inguinal rings Pelvic part 盆部 -crosses the obturator neurovascular bundle and the ureter to reach the base of bladder, terminal part dilates, forming ampulla ductus deferentis Spermatic cord 精索 Extends from the superior extremity of testis to the deep inguinal ring Contens of the spermatic cord comprise: Ductus deferend Testicular and deferential arteries Pampiniform plexus 蔓状静脉丛 Nerves and l


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