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听力课堂,开放式英语学习平台!www.TingC 学英语,练听力,上听力课堂。【免费英语听力下载】 - PAGE 3 - 参考译文: 脸书200万用户“被死亡” 扎克伯格未幸免 BBC news with Fiona MacDonald. 菲奥纳·麦克唐纳德为您播报BBC新闻。 Donald Trump says he will keep parts of president Obamas Affordable Care Act despite pledging to abolish it during the election campaign. The US president elect announced the change of policy in his first major interview since his victory on Tuesday. The billionaire businessman also said he would not take his presidential salary. Mr. Trump has put his vice president elect Mike Pence in charge of the team overseeing the transition. It includes the former house speaker Newt Gingrich and Rudy Giuliani who is mayor of the New York during the September 11’s attacks. Three of Mr. Trumps children are joining the transition team. 唐纳德.特朗普表示,他将会保留奥巴马总统的平价医改的一些措施,尽管他在竞选时宣称要将其全部废除。美国总统大选宣告即将会有大政策的改变,在本周二的时候,特朗普将会迎来他当选后的第一次采访。这位亿万富翁表示他不会领取总统的薪水。特朗普同时还任命副总统迈克.彭斯负责过渡委员会的工作。过渡委员会包括前众议院议长金里奇以及曾在9.11期间担任纽约市市长的朱力.安尼,同时特朗普的三个孩子也加入了过渡委员会。 Tens of thousands of police officers in riot gear have been deployed in the South Korean capital Seoul to control an anti-government protest today. Protesters are demanding the resignation of President Park Geun-hye over her friendship with a woman accused of trying to extort money from South Korean companies. 今天数万名配有防爆装备的警察都被派遣到韩国首都首尔去控制一起反政府的抗议活动。抗议者要求韩国总统朴槿惠辞职,因为她的闺蜜被指控企图私自从韩国的一些公司敲诈勒索钱财。 England and Scotland have played a world cup qualifier wearing poppy emblems in defiance of a ban on political gestures by world footballs governing body FIFA. Both teams worn them to commemorate the Remembrance Day in honor of military personnel killed in wars. 英格兰以及苏格兰的球队在参加世界杯预选赛时,纷纷都戴着罂粟花标志,以此来公开反对国际足联FIFA禁止球队带有政治色彩的规定,两支球队佩戴这样的标志都是为了在一战停战纪念日中纪念缅怀那些在战争中牺牲的军人。 An explosion has struck the background airbase in Afghanistan, the largest US military installation in the country. The local district governor said at least three people had been killed and 15 wounded. 在阿富汗的美国最大的一座空军基地发生了一起爆炸事件。当地地区长官表示,目前爆炸事件已经造成至少3人死亡,15人受伤。


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