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2017年雅思考试作文训练技巧   强中更有强中手,莫向人前自夸口。 满足现在的成就,就窒息了未来。以下是小编为大家搜索整理的2017年雅思考试作文训练技巧,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生!   【观点类】   Human activities have a negative effect on plant and animal species. Some people think that it is too late to do anything. Some people think that we should take effective action improve situation. Discuss both sides and give your opinion? 人类行为对植物动物产生负面影响,有些人认为现在解决这个问题太晚,有些人认为有效措施可以解决这个问题,谈论两种观点?(2016年2月18日)   【相关提问】   1. Some people think that zoos are cruel and all the zoos should be closed. However, others think zoos are useful to protect rare animals. Discuss both these views and give your opinion. 有人认为动物园太残忍,应该关闭,有人认为动物园有助于保护稀有小动物,讨论两种观点 (2010年3月18日)   2. Many animal species in the world are becoming extinct nowadays. Some people say that countries and individuals should protect these animals from dying out, while others say we should concentrate more on problems of human beings. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 现在,很多动物物种濒临灭绝,有人说国家和个人应该保护他们,有人说我们应该解决更加重要的问题,讨论两种观点? (2011年7月9日)   3. Some people claim that it is acceptable to use animals in medical research for the benefit of human beings, while other people argue that it is wrong. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 有认为小动物实验有助于人类,有人认为不应该用小动物做实验,讨论两种观点 (2013年4月18日)   【拓展思路】   1. 人类行动对于动植物带来的消极的影响:①过度开发旅游资源,过度工业化,森林采伐。② 捕猎稀有动物,小动物试验。结果导向就是资源匮乏,破坏生态平衡。   2. 人类如何行动保护动植物:①提高人们的环保意识,珍惜野生动植物的栖息地。② 政府立法保护稀有动物,限制任意的动物试验。③提倡植树造林, 以实现资源的可持续性发展。   【范文赏析】   〖首段〗 背景介绍 + 作家立场   Alarmingly,although the economy keeps on prospering, we have been facing a number of environment-related issues such as air pollution, the depletion of various natural sources. Meanwhile,some improper human activities such as hunting rare animals or conducting animal experiment have been exerting a harmful impact on many precious creatures. This essay aims to prove that the government and every individual should make joint efforts to protect the plants and animals.   〖二段〗 正方观点立场的展开:支持保护动植物及植物   Virtually, we should never


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