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二 万物一齐 All Things are One 1.万物一齐,孰短孰长?物无不变,道无始终,物有死生,不恃其成;一虚一满,不位乎其形。年不可举,时不可止;消息盈虚,终则有始。(庄子秋水) 释义:万物都有一个样,哪有长短之分?大道是无始无终的,而万物却有生有死。因而,一个人即使有所成就,也不足以自大,事物有盈有虚,不能置身于形迹而固守其位。岁月不能倒退,时光无法停留;事物的消长盈虚,是终而复始的。 翻译All things are one .Which is short and which is long ?Tao has neither beginning nor end .Things are born and die ,and their completion cannot be taken for granted .They are now empty and now full ,and thread physical form is not fixed in one place. The succession of decline ,growth ,fullness ,and emptiness go in a cycle ,each end becomes a new beginning. 2是亦彼也,彼亦是也。彼亦一是非,此亦一是非。(庄子齐物论) 释义:此就是彼,彼就是此。彼有彼的是非,此有此的是非。 翻译: The “this is also the “that. The “that is also the ”this. The “this has a standard of right and wrong, and the “that also has a standard of right and wrong. 三 物无不变 All Things Change 1物之所生也,若聚若驰,无动而不变,无时而不移。(庄子秋水) 释义:万物的生长,好比是骏马奔驰,没有哪一个动作是不变化的,没有哪一个时刻是不在运动的。 翻译: The growing of things is like the galloping of a horse. There Is no movement when it is not changeable and no time when it is not shifting. 2.万物皆种也,以不同形相禅,始卒若环,莫得其伦,是谓天钧。天钧者,天倪也。(庄子寓言) 释义:万物都是有不同种类的,以不同的形态在新陈代谢。生死的转化好像圆环一样,没有谁能找到其中变化的秩序和规律,这就叫做自然界的均衡。自然界的均衡,就是自然界的变化无限。 翻译 Things are under different species .They under go changes from one to another. Their beginning and end like a circle, no part of which is any more the beginning than another part. This is called the balance of Nature . The balance of Nature is the boundary of Nature. 四 逍遥游世 Travel l Beyond the Mundane World 1.若夫乘天地之正,御六气之辩 ,以游无穷者,彼且恶乎待哉?故曰:至人无己,神人无功,圣人无名。(庄子逍遥游) 释义:能够顺应天地常道的发展,驾驭自然界六气的变化,并遨游于无始无终,无边无际的天空,这种人还要依靠什么呢?所以说,圣人是忘掉自己的人,神人是不求有功的人,圣人是不扬名立己的人。 翻译: Supposing there is one who rides upon the normality of the universe, and drives before him the changes of the six energies of the seasons) as his team ,roaming thus through the realm of the inexhaustible, what would he need to depend upon Therefore, it is said that the perfect man has no achievement; the sage has no name. 2.以神遇,而不以目视。(庄子养生主) 释义:要靠自己的心神去把握对象,而不能光靠自己的


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