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……………………………………………………………最新资料推荐………………………………………………… PAGE PAGE 1 The Sound of Music 《音乐之声》舞台剧底本 (演员: Maria,Captain,Baroness男爵夫人,Liesl,Frederick,Louisa,Kurt,Bargitta,Marta, Gretl, Franz男管家,合唱人员若干(像《猫》那样站在舞台一侧),舞蹈演员若干) SCENE ONE 【PPT文案:深爱音乐与生活的修女玛利亚在修女院长的建议下来到Salzburg的皇家海军退役舰长家里当七个孩子的家庭教师】 【在舰长家里走动,Maria到处蹦来蹦去,为其壮观感到吃惊。】 -Maria: Captain. Hello. Here I am.Im from the convent. here is a family needs a governess to take care seven children until September. Im the new governess。 你好,我在这儿。修女院长告诉我这有个家庭需要家庭教师照料七个孩子一直到九月。 -Captain: In the future, you can remember certain rooms in this house are not to be disturbed. 以后请记住,这里有些房间是不能乱闯的。 -Maria: Yes, captain, sir. 是的,舰长,长官。 -Captain: Every morning you will Drill them in their studies.I will not permit them to dream away their summer holidays.Each afternoon, they march at the ground, breathing deeply.Bedtime is to be strictly observed. No exceptions. 你得督促孩子学习,我不准他们虚度假期。下午他们要在庭院操练,还要严守就寢时间。没有破例。 -Maria: Excuse me, when do they play? 请问他们何时玩耍? -Captain: You will see to it that they conduct themselves with the utmost decorum.I am placing you in command. 你要看着他们,确定他们循规蹈矩。我要你负责这一切。 -Maria: Yes, sir. 是的,长官。 【上校吹响哨子,一阵嘭嘭关门声后,一群孩子出现在阳台上,排着队走下楼来】 -Captain: Now,this is your new governess, miss Maria.As I sound your signals, you will step forward and give your name.You. lady, listen carefully. Learn their signals so you can call them. 这位是你们的新家教,Maria小姐。当我吹你们的讯号时,你们踏前一步报出名字。而你要仔细注意那讯号,以便日后召唤他们。 【PPT上依次闪现孩子们的名字,Liesl.Friedrick.Gretl.Kurt.Brigitta.Marta.Louisa.】 -Liesl: Liesl. -Friederick: Friedrick. -Louisa: Louisa. -Kurt: Kurt. -Bargitta: Brigitta. -Marta: Marta. -Captain: And Gretl. Now, lets see how well you listened. 现在看看你的耳力如何。 -Maria: I wont need it, Captain. It would be too humiliating. I mean, Ill use their names. Such lovely names. 我想我不用哨子的,舰长,这是种很大的侮辱。我会叫他们的名字,尤其是有如此美的名字。 -Captain: miss Maria, were you this much trouble at the abbey? 小姐,你在修道院也是如此麻烦的吗? -Maria: Oh, much more, sir. 麻烦得多,长官。 【captain退场】 -Maria: At ease. Now that theres


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