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Chapter One Introduction
1. Definitions (In the final exam, all definitions should be completed with at least examples.):
Lexicology (p. 1)
Vocabulary (p. 1)
Morphology (p. 1)
Etymology (p. 2)
Semantics (p. 2)
Stylistics (p. 2)
Phonetics (p.2)
2. Some fundamental ideas (the five points in section 1.3.2)
1) The vocabulary of any language never remains stable, but is constantly changing, growing and decaying, together with the development of human society.
2) The word is the principal and basic unit of the language. The word is a structural and semantic entity within the language system.
3) The word is a two-facet unit possessing both form and content.
4) Structurally words are inseparable lexical units taking shape in a definite system of grammatical forms and syntactic characteristics, which distinguishes them both from morphemes and words groups.
5) Two approaches of investigations lexicology. The synchronic approach is concerned with the vocabulary of a language as it exists are given time, for instance, at the present time. The Diachronic approach deals with the changes and the development of vocabulary in the course of time. The two approaches should be interconnected and interdependent.
3. The Division of the History of English
1) The Old English (Anglo-Saxon) period
Duration: roughly from 450-1150
The three characteristics of Old English (8)
(1) pronunciation difference; (2) Teutonic vocabulary; (3) full of inflectional
2) The Middle English period
Duration: 1150-1500
The three Characteristics of Middle English (page 8)
(1) resemblance to Old English; (2) borrowing and loss in vocabulary; (3) less inflectional
3) The Modern English period (page 8)
Early Modern English (1500-1700)
Late Modern English (Since 1700)
Chapter Two Sources of English Vocabulary
1. The naive elements of English Vocabulary
1) The nine characteristics of the native element (pp. 10-11)
a. all-national character
b. great stability
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